Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Basics and Shopping for a Bargain

Thank you for your grace last week with my need for a day of rest and not giving you fashion advice last Wednesday. I had a great weekend in Michigan doing a teen event and a women's event there and when I got home late Saturday I truly could not move on Sunday. I slept almost the whole day. Finally on Monday I was able to wake up. A special thank you to Michelle Angelique for that beautiful prayer.


Since so many of us are concerned with the economy and can't seem to rid the guilt of spending any money on ourselves (I must say I'm really not included in that but thought I'd say "us"...haha!) I mean, I'm concerned with the economy but I don't ever feel too guilty about spending money on myself and I hope you won't either one day.

BUT, for now, I thought I'd help you out with
 1) an essentials wardrobe list and
2) a look at a bargain store.

First, your essentials list (taken from Chapter 8, Stop, Drop and Shop from Good Girls). This list contains the must-have items for your wardrobe. These pieces will take you FAR in having the basics. If you only have 12 items, these are the things you need:

  • Jeans in a dark wash to wear with heels or boots
  • Jeans to wear with flats or casual comfort shoes
  • A denim jacket in a neutral color (Mine is brown denim from Reba's clothing line; it's sporty yet functional and fashionable
  • A white or off-white blouse
  • A suit; jacket and pants or skirt in a neutral color that flatters you. Choose one in a year round fabric if possible.
  • A flattering dress in black, chocolate, charcoal or navy
  • A cashmere or cotton sweater in a soft color
  • A silk or cotton blouse in a print or solid pop color
  • A v-neck or scoop neck t-shirt in chocolate, black, charcoal or navy. Look for one that has 3/4 length sleeves.
  • Khaki, tweed, corduroy, linen, cotton, or wool slacks
  • A jogging suit in your favorite color (for hanging out at home)
  • A lightweight coat or jacket
I hope that helps to get you started on what your basic wardrobe pieces should be. The 'other dozen' includes things like a good fitting bra, a shaper, a good selection of panties, a statement handbag, everyday flats, heels or wedges, boots, tennis shoes, sunglasses and some nice accessories, like a fun watch and earrings you'll wear with most things.

Now let me tell you about an amazing thrift store I was privvy to visit in Waupin, Wisconsin.

This place is called Bargains Galore and I've truly NEVER seen a thrift store like it. In fact, it is said to be the #1 Thrift Store in the country. They actually have people (hundreds) stand in line every Thursday morning waiting for it to open each week. The store opens Thursday, Friday and Saturday and they feature a theme each week...for example, the week I was there they were getting ready to feature all the winter coats they'd been collecting thru the year. One week they'll feature only holiday clothes, etc. Take a look at some pics of the store:

Isn't that amazing? It's soooo big and grand and ORGANIZED.

The other really cool thing is that all proceeds go to help their local Christian school. It was started by 2 women to raise funds for the school and it turned into the #1 Thrift store in the country. Just last month the store raised $56,000 for the school. I was amazed. I got a tour of the store and all the departments, even where they keep the stuff that is not on the selling floor. They had someone come in and design all the space so it would be the most effecient. In fact, people from all over the country come and tour the store so they can learn how to do a store like this back home. They get to spend a few days with the owners and the women teach them how it's done.

The church I spoke in that weekend was the Alto Reformed Church and they offered 3 women makeovers. I was able to meet with each one and recommend hairstyles and colors and then the winners were dressed in outfits from Bargains Galore! Take a look at each of the winners and just know that most of these clothes are brand names AND nothing cost over $4-6....seriously!

Can you believe it? I was so impressed!

So now I've got a challenge for you! Will you let me and our readers know where YOUR favorite thrift store is? I'd love to post them on here.

Also, I'm going to spend some time today and tomorrow checking out your outfits you made from your own closet. I can't wait to see them!

And if you find an outfit from a thrift store that is absolutely YOU, then will you put it on, send me a picture of you in it, and email it to me at and next week I'm going to show your pics on my blog!

Will you do that, please? In the comments below, just tell me if I should be on the look out for your pics...or tell me the name of your fave thrift store. I'm excited!

Love you girls!!!!!!


Monday, October 25, 2010


Good Morning girlfriends!
It's that time again...
it's our Monday Morning Makeover post
and today you get to meet


Let me tell you about her!

Mariah used to LOVE clothes. She was more concerned with fit and style than colors and accessories. Beginning in elementary school, she would even create her own styles. She was praised by her peers and even strangers for it, but as she says, that was before kids.
Mariah grew up in Southern California and is 24 years old (young). She married a Catalina Island boy six months after they graduated from high school. They moved to Wyoming and lived there for six years. They reared three children there and got roughed up a bit by the chilly, wild, wild, west.
They recently moved to Washington state and she just started homeschooling her oldest who is in kindergarten. She is enjoying the bountiful evergreen trees, the Columbia River and the delicate bright green mossy lined paths. She says it's BEAUTIFUL there! 

Here are some pictures of Mariah. The BEFORE pictures are the ones without the accessories or any extras, like tights. She says they are very typical outfits she would have worn BEFORE she read the book. The AFTER pics are those with accessories, tights, etc. What do you think?

Describe the woman you saw in the mirror before you read the book Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad:

I gave up on my appearance (not fully, but definitely lacking in a fresh, fun way). I was consumed by guilt to buy anything new for myself. Over a 6 year period I ranged from size 0 to size 13 and up and down many times. My clothes were old, plain, and mismatched clearance finds (and I’m a fashionista; I know clothes!), but I just didn’t feel worthy to look nice anymore, since, after all, 3 kids really took a toll on my tiny, young body.

Inquiring minds want to know all about you! Give details!

On page 26 Shari asks the reader to write down answers to 2 questions. I want to share my answers, because they reflect who I am and what kind of body type I dress for.

Q: what do you like about your body?

A: shoulders, “smaller” waist, back, long neck, high cheekbones, chin.

Q:List [your] trouble spots here:

A: Lower belly(baby pooch), super flat chest, rear end(not my exact wording), and thighs (cellulite---ugh!), bigger than average nose.

That’s what I wrote. I’m an x body type, but lean towards being a “d”. I’m 5’ 2.5”. I don’t know how much I weigh, because I avoid the scale, lol, but I’m definitely a glamour girl. I can pretty much pull off any style, but most of my fall look this year is mostly Pure Natural. I’m a clear and soft mix, but the soft wins out over the clear. I have an oval face, green eyes, a big nose, and small mouth. I would consider myself an average looking girl, but sometimes when Jesus shines out of me, I can be beautiful.

Did this book affect you spiritually? If so, how?

I was very blessed by what God showed me through Shari’s words. I’m sometimes hard headed and difficult to convince, but it hit me on page 15,

I quote: “Those hips you are always complaining about? Well, He made them for you.”

Pair that with my next favorite quote (same page)

“ Perfect beauty in God’s eyes is not what I look like or what your sister, your child’s teacher, or your college roommate looks like. It’s about what you look like.”

I’ll admit it; I’m not the brainy bookworm. I’m the one who knows the designer brands and who also knows who in town actually wears them, get it? I’m terrible and continually compare myself to others. When I know the love God has for me, the jealously of someone being more beautiful than I am seems to be a much smaller problem. Sometimes I can even feel so secure in God’s love that I can honestly admire her and compliment her. I’m still a work in progress, but being secure in God’s love for me is something that didn’t happen overnight. I choose daily to believe Him. Shari’s book really helped hammer that in. I know I’m beautiful because God says so and I’m believing God. Plus, I’m also just thankful I have a body that is somewhat healthy (walking and talking) and can currently help raise 3 children.

What was your favorite chapter and why?

I pretty much loved the accessories chapter, because “I can make a beautiful cake, but I always leave off the frosting”. An easy scarf here, an easy necklace there, sure I can do that, but I never really worked at it much. I was blessed by the 16-point rule, making chapter 3 my favorite!  It’s a really great chapter for any fine touches you need; especially if you are already style-savvy.

What practical steps did you take to give yourself this makeover?

Here goes nothing: So, I went to the mall…scanned every item, in every possible store. I carefully weighed all my options, specifically remembered items from each store, and how they would coordinate together, and then made my rounds of purchases. I spent more than I ever have on myself (it wasn’t that much), and 5 hours after shopping, threw a huge bag filled with many smaller ones into my trunk and bawled my eyes out driving home. I felt so guilty. I couldn’t let myself accept the nice things I was purchasing. Things normal, everyday women were wearing, that I didn’t think I was good enough for. I thought ‘I am a SAHM and I have to dress down to play the part’, but I don’t. I can still have fun and feel great. I want to show my kids a happy mom, and one that reflects how I want them to take care of themselves when they grow up. After the shopping trip, when I put together my first outfit at home and showed my husband, his jaw dropped, literally. I felt like a million bucks, even my kids were happy for me and investigated my new purchases, which were mostly accessories thanks to Chapter 3.

Who do you see in the mirror now?

I now see a mom who is concerned about making others feel good about themselves and who doesn’t have to spend time worrying about herself and what to wear and fretting over not being stylish enough(it’s in my bones, lol). I’m confident in God first and the way He made me and I’m learning to love my “curves” and how to take care of them (conceal) in an appropriate way (trouser style-my best friend!).

Any final words for us?

The book covers it all. It’s such a fun read. I’ve never met Shari, but she is a great friend to take this journey with. It’s a very positive, peaceful, and comfortable environment too--love that! I knew a lot about style already before I read her book, but I learned a lot too from reading it. I think every girl should have a copy… I really do!

I’m currently giving away a $25 Old Navy giftcard on my blog. Your blog readers would not be required to follow the blog, just leave a comment here:
I'd love to offer each of you a chance to win it! On my blog, the way to win is to "follow me" on my site, however, since I'm guest posting here on Shari's blog today you don't need to do that. All you have to do is hop over and say, "I'm visiting from Shari Braendel's blog" and you'll be entered to win! Closing date is October 27th so you have 2 days to enter.

Words from Shari:

So there you go! I have to tell you that the first time I read her answers I had tears in my eyes. Girls, it's time to drop the guilt and know it's okay to look and feel good about yourselves. I appreciate your honesty, Mariah and I know that all our readers will too.

Girls, go to Mariah's blog and leave a comment to win the $25 gift card! And I hope you'll leave a comment here, too, telling Mariah what it meant to you to hear from her. I'd specifically like to know what you think about her before and after pics!

I have to find out who won Tabitha's pretty flower pin....will find out and let you know! She may have told us on her blog but I just got back in town so will check on that today and post the winner on Wednesday.

Love you girls!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What to Wear Wednesday

Hi all! It's a beautiful, cool, misty kind of day here in North Carolina. The leaves are changing and there's a light rain coming down. Two of my cats are sitting on the window sill wondering why they never get to go outside and my  new kitten is happy just sitting on the arm rest of my chair watching me write...actually I think she's considering running up and grabbing the tails of the the big cats...she is quite an ornery little thing! My dog is curled up on a blanket that my husband pulled out for her thinking she needed some warmth. We have quite the animal farm around my place!

Today I thought I'd update you on the personal side of things because I don't get to tell you what's going on very much with me since I try to keep my posts on the fashionable side of things. I hope you don't mind me doing so.

I just returned home on Monday from speaking on the Premier Christian Cruise's Girlfriend's Getaway. It was really wonderful but I'm really tired. I haven't caught up on my sleep yet and hit the ground running when I got home. Some of the highlights on the cruise were getting to know so many wonderful women who came with girlfriends, sisters and moms. I spoke on Sunday afternoon so I got to meet many of the women afterwards when I did color analysis for several hours.

I also got to spend time with some of the other speakers and muscial guests. Melissa Reeves from Days of our Lives won "me" in an auction bid so I got to spend an hour with her and her sister in law while I consulted with them on their image, clothing, etc. It was fun getting to know them. I think I'll ask her to hop over here one day so you can meet her. She is darling! Her sister in law is Kimberly and she is awesome, too. Here's a pic of Melissa:

Lysa Terkeurst, Renee Swope, Karen Kingsbury, Shaunti Feldhaun, Carol Kent, Angela Thomas, The Spa Girls, Rebecca St. James, Nicole C. Mullen, Mark Harris, Kenn Kingston were also on the cruise. I sure hope I remembered everyone here.

Some fun moments were late at night after all was done but some were up and about. Rebecca St. James had 2 of her brothers on the cruise, Joel and Luke along with one of their friends, Wes. All were in her band and they were AMAZING!

Nicole C. Mullen ROCKED the house (or rather the boat) on Sunday night when she put on a show to bring everyone to their feet. The girl can SING! (She and I are doing an event in Adrian, Michigan in January so if you live anywhere near there, PLEASE COME! We'd love to meet you.

There was also a makeover contest where women got to nominate someone to win. I got to take her shopping and give her an image makeover. It was fun, fun. We shopped in Key West. Of course I forgot to take pictures of anything the whole time so I'll have to get some pics from someone else to show you. The winner was from Indiana and her name is Sheryl.
 She was beautifu, inside and out.

Tomorrow I leave for Michigan to speak at a teen event and a woman's event this weekend. Please pray for my energy if you happen to think about me. I'd appreciate it so much. My speaking season will wind down for the month of November and December so I'm coming into a time of rest pretty soon. Perfect timing as my son's basketball season begins in November and they are quite a team to watch and expected to win the state championship this year. He is a 6'7" sophomore...15 years old, but soon to have his 16th birthday in December.

This is him being silly with his friends when we were in Guatamala this summer! I guess it was face painting night...LOL!

My husband Dave works from home and handles things for us on the homefront. He cooks all our meals, and even does the grocery shopping. I do the laundry though, and I change the cat litter. Every now and then.
Okay, I do it more often than that.

I live in a quiet neighborhood with lots of trees. We live a pretty simple life, acutally. My hubby and I enjoy coffee on the front porch every morning and try to spend as much time together as we can during the week since I travel most weekends. I take Luke to school each morning and pick him up after practice each day. We're up about 6:30am each day and I have to pack a BIG lunch for him. He likes to eat. Alot.

I'm going to spend some time tomorrow (from my host home or hotel room, whichever they put me in!) and look at the outfits you put together on Amy's site during the challenge from last week. Thank you to those of you who commented and I can't wait to see what you came up with.

I hope you don't mind me not posting about fashion but honestly, I just don't have the energy today. I knew I could tell you about what's going on with me personally because I don't have to put much thought into that since it's just stuff about me. Thank you for understanding.

I'm so glad you are loving the Monday Morning Makeover Posts. I love them, too.

I told you I had a surprise gift for everyone who posted a comment on last Wednesday's blog. Well, here you go:

The 32 of you who posted comments are going to be invited to a Webinar of your very own! I will tell you the date soon, but it's being planned for sometime in November. It will be your very own fashion workshop with will be a time you can ask me questions, chat with each other and have some good ole girlfriend time! You excited?

Thanks girlfriends, I'm doing laundry today, unpacking from my trip this past weekend, and re-packing to leave on a 7:30am flight tomorrow morning. I am teaching at my church tonight and honestly, would like to take a nap.

Love you girls for hanging in there with me each week...and for giving me grace today.

Blessings to you,

Monday, October 18, 2010


I't's Monday Morning Makeover Day!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to our beautiful Makeover Model this week:

Tabitha Dumas

Every Monday a woman who has read

shares her story of the effect the book had on her and the changes she made because of it. Ready? Here we go!

Let me tell you about Tabitha. She describes herself as a Southern Belle turned Cactus Hugger because she spent the first 20 years of her life in Florida and the last 13 in Arizona. She's been married to the true love of her life for 8 years and they've got two boys who will soon be 5 and 18 months old. She and her husband just down-sized to a home in south Phoenix so they could re-prioritize their lives, spend more time on their own individual spiritual development and get on their feet financially. She said they are LOVING the slower pace! Here's Tabitha:

1. Describe the woman you saw in the mirror before you read this book.

I saw a typical stay-at-home mom who had defaulted to wearing T-shirts and shorts, who had just lost weight but didn't know how to dress her new shape and who wanted to look as good as she felt on the inside.

2.  Inquiring minds want to know all about you! Give details!

 I am almost 33, I love to write, blog, craft and throw parties. I have an Etsy shop, I'm a rep for "Blessings Unlimited" and I'm in the process of launching a business to help female small business owners with their writing and social media needs.  

3.  Did this book affect you spiritually? If so, how?

 I realized that I have always liked to feel pretty and dress up and God made me that way so why deny my desire to look great??

4. What was your favorite chapter and why?

I can't pick just one!  

5.What practical steps did you take to give yourself this makeover?

The first thing I did was made an appointment with a new hair dresser. I followed Shari's recommendation and got a chin-length bob and left my hair color natural. I loved the results and have already gotten tons of compliments! With having just moved, when I rearranged my closet, I purged a lot of clothing that didn't work, didn't make me feel good or that wasn't in my best colors. I also had the opportunity to go shopping with my mom and was able to buy two pairs of amazing jeans plus a few new tops, all in colors and shapes that flatter me. Shopping is so much easier now!!

6. What was the biggest challenge for you during this process?

My big challenge is taking good care of myself like getting regular haircuts, keeping up my pedicure and spending a few bucks on an item I need. I'm always tempted to spend time and money on my family instead but when I invest in myself, everyone benefits!

7. What did you determine your clothing style is and do you like knowing this?

I'm a Pure Natural because I do gravitate toward cotton and linen fabrics and flowy clothes, but I do like to add a little bling or a little creative "pop." Knowing this will definitely help me keep my shopping focus and make my wardrobe more workable and less stressful.

8. What was the most memorable or transforming part of all of this?

Remembering how good I felt as an 18-year-old and being able to re-capture that by finding shapes, colors and styles that fit me well.

9. Who do you see in the mirror now?

A lovely woman who carries herself with pride and who obviously takes good care of herself.

10. Any final words for us?

I love this book so much that I'm going to give it to all of the women on my Christmas gift list! I know any woman, regardless of size, ethnicity or budget, can benefit from this book.
For the extra-special women on my list, I'm going to wrap it up in a scarf in their POP color!

11. Why do you recommend this book to others and what benefit does it have for someone who reads it?

 My mom and I have both devoured this book! I think all women want to look and feel great and the book really helps with that by helping us know what looks best on us. We can shop and dress with confidence and take the worry out of getting dressed. I even blogged about Shari's book last week so if you want to hop on over you can read about it there! I'd love you to visit!

Wow! Thanks, Tabitha! We LOVE all your pictures and think you look like a movie star! Hey, wait, maybe you are!!!!!

Tabitha has a beautiful Etsy Shop and is gifting one of you with a beautiful animal print chifon fabric flower just for reading this post. I want to encourage each of you to post a comment giving some love to our very fabulous Tabitha! And you are going to LOVE the etsy pin...she sent me one for my birthday and I immediately pinned in on my blouse and wore is beautiful...just like her! So post a comment and we'll pick a winner next Monday!

Speaking of winners, our first Monday Makeover Winner for the beautiful scarf in YOUR beautiful colors is:

Elaine Davis! Hey Elaine, make sure you email me a pic so I can see what your best colors are...then I'll go shopping for you!

Okay gals....give some love to Tabitha and win a leopard pin!

Love you girls...isn't this fun?
I'm loving it!

love, Shari

Also, need your blog link if you want me to link to you. Blog link to the post about the book:

Etsy shop, if you want to provide it:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What to Wear: HOMEmaker's Dress for Less Challenge!

Hi girlfriends!
It's Wednesday and boy are we gonna have fun today and the rest of the week!

Congrats to CHERYL for winning Rachel Olsen's new book! She even posted over at Rachel's site so those 2 chances at winning helped her out! Cheryl, please email your address to me and I'll put it in the mail to you!

My friend Amy Bayliss heads up this really cool site for homemakers and offers challenges and so forth on her site. (Last challenge was a cupcake contest or something like had to do with the kitchen so I pretty much stayed away from it. Smile.)

Anyway, we over here at The Beautiful Place are going to jump right in and join her this week. Details in a minute, but before I dive into it, I want to address last week's blog post about NOT feeling guilty about spending time and money on yourself.

THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all of you who commented and showed support for Star. Also, it was amazing to see how many of you resonated with her and feel guilty about spending time and money on yourselves. I loved your honesty. I loved your support of each other (and of me) and I loved how you stepped up an admitted to those same kinds of feelings and are going to try and do something about it.

That's why you are going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this post this week and Amy's Challenge. It's why I LOVE LOVE LOVE her idea and decided we just had to join in. There is NO guilt involved. At all. And you are going to look good too. And maybe find a new outfit, or two or three out of it.
Sound interesting? Read on.

Here's a word from Amy, directly from her blog:

You know it has been proven over and over that when we look good, we feel good. I took that to heart and made sure that every day I am dressed to look good. I felt better because I knew if I had an unexpected guest or had to run a last minute errand then I was prepared. My dear husband also prefers to come home to a women who has on something with a bit more style. In other words: he is not into sweats.

Your Homemaker’s Challenge is to add 3 new outfits to your wardrobe BUT, you can’t spend any money. Get creative. Swap clothes with your sister, your friends, or shop your very own closet! I know you have stuff in there that you forgot about. You can even remake some clothes out of what is in your closet! It is totally up to you but you must add three new outfits to your circulation of clothes you wear regularly.

Once you have put your new outfits together craft a post and tell us about it. Show us pictures or videos. Remember, part of the challenge is to embrace new things as homemakers as well as honing your blogging skills, and yes, we know you have mad skillz! Show us!

I will blog about my new finds and we will even get to attend a pre-recorded fashion session by our expert judge, Shari Braendel! I will blog about my new finds and we will even get to attend a pre-recorded fashion session by our expert judge, Shari Braendel! Look for that here: The Truth About Black and Dressing for Your Body Type.
Our regular judge, Amy Stults, and our guest “judges” (Karin Katherine,  and our fashion expert, Shari Braendel) will be picking some of their favorites to share on Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook. If you want a bit of constructive feedback about your post then just put at the bottom of your post, “encourage me judges!” and that will let our guest judges know that you are interested in constructive feedback. Otherwise, just take the challenge for the fun of it!

Oh goodie I'm considered an expert judge! Hehe!
That pre-recorded fashion session she's talking about is actually a webinar I did for Amy's Christian Women's Affliliate group a few weeks back and it was fun, fun!
She's also giving away a copy of my book to a winner, too.
This sure looks like fun! Are you going to join in the fun? I sure hope so!!!!!
On another note, what did you girls think of
 Monday's Makeover with Sue Tipler?
Gracious that was awesome! She really rocked that post and it was so great getting to know her. Get ready for next Monday's post with another cool chick you're gonna love!
Hey, for today, just let me know what you think of Amy's challenge and tell me if you're gonna try to do it. Whether or not you blog about it, send photos, video it, or just do it for yourself, I'd love to know!
Hey girls, I'm off on the Girls Getaway Cruise tomorrow! I know, I know, some people have to suffer for Jesus....I'm just not one of them! LOL!
Love you!!!!!

(Leave a comment about Amy's challenge....I've got a surprise gift for EVERYONE who comments between now and next Wednesday!


Love, Shari

Monday, October 11, 2010


Welcome to our very first Monday Morning Makeover!

Every Monday I'm going to introduce you to someone who has read the book

Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad

There are a series of questions that our guest will answer and you'll get to hear how she sees herself in regards to her inner and outer beauty.

 I am so stoked about this!
I'd like to introduce you to
Sue Tipler,
our first
Monday Makeover Model!

Sue lives in a quiet suburban neighborhood in Midland, Michigan and is a stay at home mother of two children; a 12 year old girl and a 9 year old boy. She's been married to a wonderful man for 25 years! She says he loves her that! They have a golden retreiver mix and an 8 year old tuxedo cat. Sue volunteers by teaching three year old children about God at a women's Bible study.

Let's meet Sue now:

1. Describe the woman you saw in the mirror before you read this book.

The woman I saw in the mirror was someone who always loved fashion & wanted to look my best. I was even told that I "always look nice". But I didn't always feel it. I bought books on clothing for my body type, colors, hair, makeup, etc but I never felt like I was expressing my true beauty until "Good Girls..."

2. Inquiring minds want to know all about you! Give details!

I am a 45-year-old child of God. I'm 5'4" and about 150 pounds, several pounds more than I'd like to weigh, so it's time to remodel my Temple. I have green to hazel eyes, highlighted medium brown hair that is naturally wavy/curly and a fair-to-medium complexion which makes me a "Soft". I have a "big booty" and more fluff than I'd like to have right now, but hey I am what I am! My best feature is my eyes, I think. My body type is a "d" and "x" hybrid.

3. Did this book affect you spiritually? If so, how?

Yes it did! I finally realized that I need to dress to reflect the beauty GOD gave me, not what society thinks is beautiful. When I get dressed each morning I try to ask God, "OK what do You want me to wear today?" A "pop" color or something neutral? Brown or navy? I want Him to be enthralled with my beauty, so I can reflect His beauty back to others.

4. What was your favorite chapter and why?

You mean I have to pick only one? Seriously, I think it was the chapter on coloring. I really struggled with "breaking up with black" after finally, with Shari's help, realizing I was a "Soft" instead of the "Clear" I always thought I was. When I colored my hair darker I could get away with those colors, but I wasn't being realistic with who the real me was, that God wanted me to be. I've since embraced brown and navy as my new black, and having a ball doing it! My local consignment shop was a great find, and I got rid of some of my old stuff in the process!

5. What practical steps did you take to give yourself this makeover?

Well, much to my thrifty husband's disappointment, I got rid of a LOT of clothes. Much of it I didn't wear anymore anyway, and I always welcome a reason to buy new stuff :) I used Shari's free wardrobe organization sheet and kept the book around constantly. The stuff that I didn't consign I'm giving to my church rummage sale!

6. What was the biggest challenge for you during this process?

It's a tie between the coloring chapter that I mentioned above, and the hair chapter. I've never loved my hair, always blowdrying it straight unless I knew it would be humid outside. In that event, I'd do my best to work with the curl. I was always doing my hair for whatever the weather was. After reading up on her product recommendations for curly hair, I was a Curly Girl convert!

7. What did you determine your clothing style is and do you like knowing this?

I'm more of a Classic Modern with a little Fashionista thrown in. I love a little bling when the occasion calls for it! It was good to have that confirmation.

8. What was the most memorable or transforming part of all of this?

Learning that it's OK to want to look nice, as long as you're looking nice for God, you and your husband. Not for other women, not for society, but for God first. He's the first One you'll see when you get to heaven; don't you want Him to say "I'm glad you weren't afraid to show others what I wanted you to look like, how I wanted others to see Me, through you."

9. Who do you see in the mirror now?

I see a 45-year-old child of God who loves her body and dresses to reflect the beauty God gave her! And guess what, it's a blast!

10. Any final words for us?

Yes. Don't be ashamed of your body. It is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. If you haven't been caring for it properly, ask God to help you decide what small but significant changes you need to make to do a remodel. God doesn't make junk, but our opinions of ourselves and what others tell us can certainly make us feel that way.

 Take time to listen to God and those that know how truly beautiful you are! I recommend this book because Shari tells you, point blank, that how you dress reflects how you feel about yourself and how you want others to see you. God loves you and wants you to love yourself. He doesn't make junk so don't let yourself feel like anything but the beautiful woman He created you to be. Shari teaches you how to do all this and more.

Oh Sue, thank you for being our first Monday Makeover Model! We LOVED meeting you and can't wait to hear how the women will respond to your makeover.

One of the things I MOST want to do on Mondays is to have a place where you can encourage each other about how important it is to take care of yourself.

Sue doesn't have a blog to link to BUT I thought it would be a wonderful idea to reward someone with a beautiful gift today for supporting her...we will do the same for you when it's your turn!

So today I am giving away a beautiful scarf (in your colors!) to one of our support of SUE!!!!!! Just give her some love and tell us what most excited you about her post and how it encouraged you.

Love you much! Who's next?

Love ya, Shari
See you Wednesday!

It was by chance (or was it?) that I found Shari's website and book. She has literally helped me find my true colors and how to dress to reflect my God-given beauty. Get the book, and get another one for a friend. I lent mine out, and she won't give it back! Thank you, Shari, for using the gift God gave you, the ability to help women love themselves!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What to Wear: A Mom's Dilemna: Feeling Guilty About Looking Good?

Last week I received the following email from my blog reader Star.

 I wonder how many of you feel the same way? Read on:

This is my dilemna. I am a stay at home, home schooling mom of four children. My husband and I made a decision years ago to sacrifice the second income for our children. I still believe that is the right decision and do not feel God has called us out of that. Our children range in age from 13 to 2.
However, I have struggled for years with self image. I see ladies at church who look beautiful and put together and I long to be that. I see them, and my immediate thought is, "well, if I could spend that kind of money..." I'm sure you know where this is going. I know I could...I have just made a decision that, for now, prevents that. Most of the time I feel okay with that. I would feel horrible if I spent a ton of money on an outfit and then my children couldn't participate in an activity or go hang out with their friends on occasion.

I guess my question is...what do you tell people in my situation? For example, you recently answered a make up question and commented on primer helping a lot. I immediately thought that is what I need, I have been so frustrated with how my make up has looked lately. That thought was immediately followed up with...I can't buy primer. I feel guilty buying new mascara every two months. I scrape the sides of the foundation and scoop up every last spot of powder before buying new blush...I can't add another expense to my make up needs. I will then feel a little sorry for myself and then "spank" myself for being selfish because obviously make up is NOT a need and I am much better off than many people.

You may address this question in your book, which I am totally asking for for Christmas, but I am sure there are many other ladies in my position. My husband says I am just not normal, that most women would just go buy it and not worry about it, but I believe there are many more like me. It is a continual struggle and I would just love to hear maybe your guidance, your "must haves" your ideas...I know we need to care for ourselves as mommas, but we also need to be good stewards of our money and it just seems so selfish to worry about primer when I can care for my children or help others in desperate need.  Love, Star

 I get lots of emails and I do try to answer each of them, but sometimes I just can't. However, this is one that I really felt needed to be answered for more than just the writer's benefit...I believe there are MANY of you who feel the same way, even if just a little bit. So here we go. Stay with me.

First of all, you have to realize that it's OKAY to take care of yourself. In fact, it's important to do that.
YOU are the image of what your children see as a WOMAN. Does this make sense?
The way you TREAT YOURSELF is how your daughters will treat THEMSELVES.
 It's even how your sons will believe that women are to treat themselves (and perhaps be treated? Hmmm.

I think as a society, we've come to believe that in order to look good, we have to spend alot. That's a myth. It's just not true.
It's kind of the same theory as a woman thinking she has to dress sexy to be sexy. Again, not true. And I can show you examples. Just not today.

So how do you convince yourself that it's okay, and how much is okay?

First of all, I'd be the first to agree with you that primer is an extra. It's NOT a necessary. In fact, the last time I ran out, I just didn't buy it again. It's not in my budget this time around. I even bought a less expensive foundation this time ($8 Walmart, Revlon PhotoReady) and actually like it better than my regular $14 foundation. And you know what the kicker is? I don't need primer with it like I did my old one. Now what's that about?

So here's the "NO GUILT" RULES,
 the must-have's and/or the must do's:
  (ways to do it with little money and little guilt.)

1. You must, must, must take care of yourself. Rule #1. And you must, must, must spend a little money and time on this. I didn't say alot of money, I said a little. The readers I'm talking to don't even spend a little. YOU have to realize that it's okay to look good. Let me ask you this: Did you take care of yourself BEFORE you were married? Before you had kids?
2. Make sure your hair is in a cute you get compliments on and one that you don't have to mess too much with. If you can't afford a good cut and color, then ask a friend to color it for you (lots of DIY kits are great!) and figure out something to barter with to get a great hair cut...can you clean her house once a month? Scrapbook for her? Cook her a meal? Bake dozens of cookies for her? I know you can be creative here! A nice cut and color will do WONDERS for your self image.

3. Look at yourself in a full length mirror. What challenge area do you most need to disquise? A fluffy tummy? A bountiful booty? Dress to camouflage...if you need a shaper, then get one that works for this challenge area and wear it. Sucking in your fluffiness will make you look a whole lot better than letting it all hang out.
And it's easier than holding your breath. Smile.

4. When was the last time you bought a new bra and a few new pair of panties? Ah, just as I thought. You don't need to spend alot, but you do need to spend something.
The last couple pair of panties that I bought came from Walmart (it's the budget thing again, but hey, they work...and they again..and they're pretty too (AND they're in my colors! Go figure.) As for a bra, please make sure it fits you properly. Your bust should sit halfway between your shoulders and your elbows.
They should be up and in, not down and out.
Got it?

4.  Cleaned out your closet lately? You probably have a lot of things in there that you JUST SHOULDN'T WEAR. Get rid of them. Organize your closet (If you've got my book, it will tell you how, if not, just give it your best shot, you'll do fine) by color and style. If you haven't worn something in over a year, get rid of it. Today.
See, here's the thing. We mostly think we don't have a lot of things to wear because we have more clothes than we know what to do with and none of them goes with anything else. So clean out.
Go to my website and click on FREE STUFF. You can download a Wardrobe Plan Sheet that will help you know what you need. This isn't an essentials list, but it is an organizational chart that will help get your wardrobe in order by mixing and matching...all you need is a FEW pieces that go together.

5. If you've worked the Plan Sheet then you know what you need. Fill in the blanks. Keep a list of the items you need in your purse and keep an eye out for them...don't go buy them all at once. It's really no fun that way.

6. Make sure you have a GREAT pair of Jeans. A pair that fits you really well, in a dark wash. (Riders by Lee has fabulous ones. My friend Marlo just got a pair and they are AMAZING and were around $20.) If all else fails, these will go with everything. Add a couple of sweaters and you'll have a few cute outfits.

7. You MUST have a great HANDBAG. This is your statement piece and will tell the world that you've got style! Buy it in a POP color or in a shade close to your hair color. It will go with everything. Make sure you buy one in a size that is good for you. Do you consider yourself small, then buy a small-medium size bag. Do you consider yourself medium in size? Then go medium to large. And if you are a Rock Star like me (large) then the bigger the better!

8. Buy some new shoes. Each season I recommend buying some new shoes that show your style and fit your lifestyle. Go to Payless and find some for under $25. Seriously. Or Target. You don't have to spend a fortune on them, but they must be comfortable. If boots are your thing, then get those. The booty (ankle) boot is the popular thing right now. Match your hair as best you can with your shoe. Brunettes go brown, Black hair go black, blondes go camel or light brown. Got it?
9. Wear some jewelry. If you know my 16 point rule, then follow it. If you don't, then go to your local bookstore and read my book while you're in there. They usually have seats for this kind of thing. If you can't afford to buy it, you can at least borrow it for an hour or so in the bookstore, right?
Or call your local library and ask them to get it in.
Or ask for it for Christmas like Star.
10. Finally, take a bubble bath. Take your bible along and look up the following verse. Then feast on it. Check it out:
Romans 12:2 (New Living Translation)

 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Girls, You gotta love a God who encourages us to change the way we think.
You MUST take care of YOU. You must begin to THINK that it's okay.
Everyone around you will be the better for it.
Including your kids. And your husband.

Will you do this favor for me? Will you look in the mirror today and thank our precious Lord for making you amazing? And will you promise to take care of your temple and not neglect yourself? Display your inner beauty on the outside. Consider it a reflection of the Lord. Drop the guilt my friends. The enemy wants you to stay guilty. But Jesus already took the hit for that. Ahhhhh, I love me some Jesus. How about you?

A message to Star: Will you consider doing some of the above and taking some before and after pics of yourself? I'd love to feature you on a Monday Makeover post in October.

And speaking of Monday Makeover, our FIRST guest poster will be Sue Tipler! Make sure to come back next Monday to read her story.

I have a gift to give away today.
My friend Rachel Olsen wrote this amazing book called It's No Secret:
Revealing Divine Truths Every Woman Should Know.
I simply loved this book. I think you will too. I recommend you visit her today too and let her know I sent you. If you do that, I'll enter you twice.
It's fun to get random comments so I want to surprise her! Shhhh!!!!

To win, just comment below about which one of the above 10 things you need to do for yourself. And while you're at it, let us know if you ever feel guilty and tell us how you're going to STOP it!
Love you girls...Looking forward to MONDAY!!!!
