Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What to Wear: Free Wardrobe Plan Sheet!

Hi beautiful women!
It's Tuesday, a day earlier than my usual day of blogging but that's because I have a devo running over at Proverbs 31! Welcome to all of you who hopped over here from the devo.

For those of you who are NEW, I blog EVERY WEDNESDAY! So come back each week and visit me. I also answer your fashion questions each week that you ask me from the previous week before (as you'll see at the bottom of this blog post.

One of the cool things I have for you today is a downloadable WARDROBE PLAN SHEET!
CLICK HERE and you will get it.
Directions are included with the Plan Sheet. You are gonna love it!
Anyway, on to more fashionable stuff now!
Can I scream right now??? Okay, I'll try not to be too loud but:

My book is out!!!!

That wasn't too loud was it????
It is in lots of stores and I know it's still arriving to some. Proverbs 31 just got their shipment last week and Amazon got their stock in and is shipping too.
Oh gracious, I'm so excited.
(Remember if you order from Proverbs it helps way more people for ministry!!!!!)
I want to say a BIG thank you to Zondervan for taking a chance on me and fashion....it's the first of it's kind for a Christian publisher....humbled.

I hope I don't get too annoying talking about it. Seriously. I hate it when authors do that so I promise I'll try to keep it down. Let me know if I get out of hand, okay?

But since I haven't gotten to talk much about it yet, (LOL), I just thought I'd tell you what the chapters are in the book, this way if you haven't quite made up your mind about ordering it, this might help you.

Intro: What's So Christian about Looking Good?
Chapter 1: This is My Bod: Determine Your Real Body Type
Chapter 2: The Truth about Black: Meet Your True Colors
Chapter 3: What's Your Score? Making the Count in the Accessory Game
Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments
Chapter 5: Survival of the Smartest: How to Divide and Conquer Swimwear
Chapter 6: Make a Statement: With Hair and Makeup
Chapter 7: Jeans: A Girl's Real Best Friend
Chapter 8: Hit the Mall: Stop, Drop, and Shop
Chapter 8 Skin Isn't In: Be in without Letting it All Hang Out
Final: A Word from Shari

The book is in full color and has lots of pictures of real, live, women who have real, live, bodies...not air brushed models you see in magazines.

There is a shopping guide in there to help you determine your own clothing personality and gives you the specific stores and brands to shop to suit your style and your budget.

There's also lots of YOUR comments in there...blog reader comments from past posts! I can't wait for you to find yours if it's included!

There will be a nationwide makeover contest that will kick off on Monday, August 9th and will run for 3 weeks. I'll give you the details and link when that time comes. There will be lots of prizes like a $500 gift card, web cam, skype session, and more.

Okay, on to your questions from last week:

Elin, Thank you for clearing up what you meant by "older". To look more "mature" go for a more classic look. Wear nicer slacks or dressy jeans with a pair of wedge comfy sandals (instead of tennis shoes or flats). Pair your slacks or jeans with a v-neck top in a pop color and throw on a blazer or cropped jacket. Don't forget the accessories and makeup. Keep your hair in a nice cut..don't throw in a ponytail (don't know if you do or not, but if you do, don't!). You just need to "dress it up" a bit to appear a little older, or to be taken more seriously. Hope that helps.

Someone asked me what color shoes and purse to wear with navy. Well, depending on the style of navy clothes you have on, AND the time of year, will make a difference. For example, in the summer, why not go for a strappy sandal in bronze or silver/gold? Or go for a wedge that has some color: red, or a print?
For fall/winter, match your hair....if you're a brunette, go for a dark bronzy brown boot. Or choose a red pump. Black patent works great, too, as does a deep gray in snakeskin..or a navy shoe in an embossed leather, one that looks like a snakeskin but isn't.
Hope that helps! For you purse, don't go matchy-matchy, but go with your statement bag for the season...the bag you're carrying with all your other clothes, too.

And then someone asked: How to dress your husbands! Oh dear....well, make them take the color test so at least you know what colors they should wear! And no, I don't address menswear in my new book, maybe down the road, but I doubt it!

That was it for your questions this week! (The first group of questions I addressed in the blog comments last week, so take a look at those if you don't see your questions answered here.)

OKAY, soooooo let's give away 3 SIGNED COPIES OF MY BOOK, shall we? (If you've already ordered one, you can give that one to a friend, or I can sign this one for your friend...just let me know if you're the winner.) Here's how to win:

Answer this question: From reading the above chapter names, which one appeals to you the most? List it in the comments below. And if you've gotten a copy of the book already, do you like it???????  (Can you tell I'm excited????) Or if you want to comment on the devo from today, you can do that! Just enter!!!!!!
Ohhhh, if you live in Charlotte, my book launch and signing is at Borders at Northlake Mall on Sunday, August 8th from 3-5...please come!!!!

Love you!!!
Good Girls Don't Have to Dress Bad
To order a copy of the book: go here !!!!!

If you haven't gotten your FREE online Color Analysis, go here and see what colors suit you best!

See you at She Speaks this week!!!!!


Rebecca said...

Actually, I'm most intrigued by the Intro: What's So Christian about Looking Good?

Trisha said...

I am so anxious to read your book! It sounds fantastic. I am most interested in The Truth About Black: Meet Your True Colors. I've noticed I've started buying more black items, hoping for the slimming effect. But, wow, it's boring!

Faith said...

I'm interest in the whole thing, but especially the The Truth About Black: Meet Your True Colors. Off to read your devo now!

Anita - Soaring Eagle said...

Chapter 1 - Real Body Type (oh how I long to quit buying clothes that just doesn't look good for my shape - so many errors). Also Chapter 6 - Make a Statment with hair and makeup (I am 55 and yes, I want to look younger, yet not "made up", does that make sense?) I have already talked to many women about your "upcoming" book because it will HELP US ALL!

Danette said...

I couldn't just pick one so I guess it would be a tie between Chapter 1: This is My Bod: Determine Your Real Body Type and Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments.
I have always had challenges with making the most of what I have body wise and I think I could use a straight-up discussion about undies!
I pre-ordered your book and it is scheduled to arrive by Friday!!! Guess what I'm doing Friday night and Saturday? I can't wait!!! I'm just giddy!!!


Jen said...

I'm interested in the hair and makeup chapter. I have never enjoyed makeup and don't enjoy making hair appointments because I never know what to do! Can't wait to read your book.

Nancy said...

I am interested in Chapter 6: Make a Statement: With Hair and Makeup. All of the chapters sound interesting and helpful. Thank you for approaching this topic from a Christian prospective.

Cathy said...

I look forward to reading the entire book! Chapter 2 interests me the most because I always try to find something in black to appear slimmer. Chapter 1 is a close 2nd b/c if I knew which clothes to choose, perhaps I wouldn't buy black all of the time! :)

Anonymous said...

Your intro is the thing that most caught my attention, followed closely by the hair and makeup chapter. I never know what to do with my hair and wear the same style of makeup that I have for 20 years (lighter than when I was 19, though :)).
Thank you for your free color analysis- looks like I am a clear and will be keeping that in mind when shopping in the future.
God bless your ministry!

Kelly said...

Chapter 2 looks really interesting, because I do tend to gravitate towards black because it's slimming, but I know it's not a good color next to my face! Chapter 1 looks good too about body type! I'd love to win a copy of your book, thanks!

Julie said...

Chapter 6: Make a Statement With Hair and Makeup intrigues me. I'm always looking at models in magazines getting ideas on how to cut my hair and apply makeup.

Michelle P. said...

The book sounds wonderful! Chapter 5 definitely caught my interest when I read the list. :-)

Crystal said...

Chapter 3: What's Your Score? Making the Count in the Accessory Game and Chapter 8: Hit the Mall: Stop, Drop, and Shop. I love accessories but hardly ever wear jewelry since I'm so sensitive to metals, and I'm definitely an impulse shopper. I buy something when I need it and have no idea how to put together a curvy-girl-friendly wardrobe that works for work and play on a budget -- the budget part is the hard part :)

Anonymous said...

I found Chapter 8 to be the most intriguing to me because I am hoping to see what you might have to say about girls wearing their shirts too low and exposing too much. I am seeing this becoming an issue in our church and even with people I know personally. I am trying to teach my teen daughter to respect herself and others around her esp. men. There are men in our church who struggle with the visual and really don't need the temptation. Looking forward to reading your book and hope to win a copy.
My name is Donna and my email is dbfreeinhim@hotmail.com just in case you need that.

Joni I. said...

Chapter 2 caught my attention. I'm always gravitating towards black when I shop for clothing!

Lynnette said...

I am so excited about your book. I found your website from Proverbs 31. I was thrilled to find that you have written a book on how to dress. Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments
is definitely one I am interested in as well as makeup and hair. I have been in a wheelchair for a couple of years now and I'm struggling with what clothes look good on me while sitting. The undergarments will help with this and if my hair and makeup are looking good, I think that will help also. Can't wait to read your book. I have not pre-ordered one.

Mariah said...

Everything seems SO fun to read, but if I just HAVE to narrow it down, I'd pick 2...(and 6 and 7)....:) Can't WAIT to read the book...so I'm excited!!! You are so generous, Shari!

Unknown said...

Intro: What's So Christian about Looking Good? This is a good question. And what is looking good from a christian standpoint?

Phyllis said...

Most definitely the chapter on hair and make-up. Both are huge challenges for me.

Amy Fox said...

I've very excited about your new book!!! I have your original book you did a few years ago and I refer back to it to it often. :)

You asked-"From reading the above chapter names, which one appeals to you the most?"

My answer is Chapter 6 (Make a statement with hair and makeup). I know hair and makeup can totally change the look of a person. I can't wait to see pictures and learn tips in that chapter.

Truly, I'm excited for the whole book. All the chapters sounds awesome.

Amy Fox said...

I've very excited about your new book!!! I have your original book you did a few years ago and I refer back to it to it often. :)

You asked-"From reading the above chapter names, which one appeals to you the most?"

My answer is Chapter 6 (Make a statement with hair and makeup). I know hair and makeup can totally change the look of a person. I can't wait to see pictures and learn tips in that chapter.

Truly, I'm excited for the whole book. All the chapters sounds awesome.

Ben & Bobbi said...

I would like to enter your contest...the chapter that appeals to me the most is actually the intro.


Kim said...

I keep reading the chapter titles and am having a hard time just picking one. I need so much help. :) Well, except for the showing skin part, I do not do that! Can't wait to read your book! Thanks for the chance to win.

Michelle said...

I love that we have a fashion advice book from a Christian woman's perspective. I am most interested in reading Chapter 8: Hit the mall, because I don't really like to shop at the mall, so I would like to see what tips she has for getting in and out of the mall quickly and efficiently.

Anonymous said...

looking forward to ....."Hit the Mall: Stop, Drop and Shop"

Mer said...

Actually I'm really interested in the Intro and Chapter 8. I'm in my early 20s, but I've never enjoyed dressing like my other friends-most of my friends actually call me "frumpy", because I prefer to wear shirts and pants and swimsuits that cover me. My body is my temple-and I want to honor the temple that God has given me, by dressing it properly. You wouldn't decorate the outside of the church in crazy, gaudy decorations, right? nope-we adorn (at least my church does) with a simple cross display, showing the Trinity. Since everybody seems to call me "frumpy", I'd love to dress a bit more fashionably without showing off all my skin, like the title of chapter 8 shows! Thanks so much Shari, you constantly inspire me!!

Heather S. Deaton said...

Sounds like a great book. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for your ministry.

ShaMar Reneé said...

I greatly anticipate reading the entire book—particularly the chapters on body type and undergarments. As a longtime mentor of young women, I hope these two chapter titles may contain much-needed info for myself, friends and girls approaching womanhood. Our society beckons to females with promises of fulfillment if only we looked "right"—many of which are empty or bring about anxieties. It is my hope that this book will assist myself and others in our quest to glorify God in dressing and conducting our daily lives modestly.

Thank you for this gift.

Kimberly Ann said...

I'm excited about "Chapter 7: Jeans: A Girl's Real Best Friend" because I love jeans already and I'm looking forward to loving them even more with any tips that you offer.


Mary Beth said...

Chapter 4 re:undergarments sounds interesting... My shape has changed after child #3 and I know that I am not wearing the right bra size these days!

The whole book sounds great. I have been feeling "old" with my outdated wardrobe. I wear classic clothing and avoid trends, but feel "blah" with the clothing that actually fits (still cannot get into the pre-baby sizes). I would love to win a book and get refreshed! :)

LivinOurDash said...

Your book sounds great! The chapters I find most interested are #1 This is My Bod and #6 Make A Statement

JBS said...

The intro has me intrigued and chapter 2 seems most appropriate for me since I've aged and unfortunatly spread I've gone to black,, but the last chapter about skin is what I want to know more about since I now have a 13 yr old daughter and want to impress on her that it's not skin to win.. look forward to reading the book

The Johnstons said...

I am most interested in The Truth about Black: Meet Your True Colors because I have always been curious about what colors look best with certain hair colors and skin tones. Looking forward to checking out the whole book!

Unknown said...

I agree, the intro sounds interesting. I also think the hair and make-up chapter would be helpful. The entire book sounds like a great place to get some encouragement for those people like me with no sense of fashion or style.

One More Equals Four said...

I think it all sounds interesting, but Ch. 8 probably captures my attention the most...I know a lot of the rules but find them overwhelming when I actually need to use them!

Congrats, I can't imagine how proud and excited you must be!

Tiffany said...

I am really interested in Chapter 8 since I am a missionary overseas and most of what's "in" especially during the summer is very revealing and it's hard to find clothes. I also appreciated your devo on prov 31 today on impulsive Christian living. It can be difficult to be intentional in our walk with the Lord but not impossible.

KathyH said...

Boy, they all sound great and very timely for me! As a new mom, I just don't feel as good about myself as I once did. I want my daughter to grow up seeing her mother dressing nicely and knowing that it's ok (and good!) to do the same. I think the chapter about accessories is most intriguing because I think there's such cute stuff available and I think it looks odd on me whenever I try! Congrats on your new book!

Lisa said...

This book sounds like such fun! I never seem to be good at adding accessories to my outfits and makig them look right. Chapter 3: Making the Count in the Accessory Game sounds like what I need! Can't wait to read it.

Unknown said...

Whaddya Got under There? The art of undergarments! Just sounds fun and helpful, Im a short lady with a few extra pounds,Ive seen lots of items for helping shape under clothes but none seem to work for the very short body! HELP =D

RL said...

I'm interested in the chapter on accessories. I like the finished look accessories give, but with limited funds I always choose buying more clothes over accessories.

Isaac's Family said...

All of the sections sound really intriguing and beneficial, but the one that most speaks to me is the intro - what's so christian about looking good?

Looking forward to reading this book!

Anonymous said...

Chapter 6: Make a Statement: With Hair and Makeup

This chapter sounds good to me because I love trying out new styles of makeup and hair. I would love the advice in this chapter!


Misty said...

Skin Isn't In. That one jumped out at me! As a teen, skin was in in my book. Now, at 25, a mommy of 3 and working in a church, I know that skin is not in! I hope that I can teach my daughter the same thing when she grows up and that if you want to truly be respected you should cover up!

Carolyn said...

the chapter about black has got my interest. I am a black person sor sure.. I loved the devotion. It is so where I am. Thanks for writing it.

Anonymous said...


I think the intro and chapter 6 sound very interesting. Congrats on the book!

In Him,

Leslie said...

I think the intro and chapter 4 are most interesting. Getting ready to have a baby and needing to "keep it together" during all the transition! :o)

Jennell said...

"Chapter 4 -- Whatddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments." HA! Made me laugh out loud! This is so true -- if there are things saggin' and floppin' underneath, then you're going to look bad no matter what you're wearing! And I appreciate the instruction you give on this topic too for my boys . . . I have tweeners, and even THEY notice when a lady is hangin' low -- it's hard NOT to notice!!!
But I also like the sound of Chapter 8 -- as women of God, we MUST be modest -- but we can be both fashionable and not show a lot of skin -- thank you for addressing this!
Would love a copy of your book!
BLESSINGS! jennell, michigan

mommyof2 said...


I will be honest and say that all the chapters appear very interesting. However, looking through the list the chapter on jeans and swimwear would be really helpful to me. Trying on swimsuits would is not easy or fun for me and jeans...well, let's just say that it takes a looong time to find a pair of jeans that fits.

Hope to win one of the copies of this book! Could totally use some decent fashion help!

Linda F.

Unknown said...

Hi. Chapter one got me! I'm 5' tall and am always having a difficult time finding anything that fits well much less that looks good on my frame. I can't wait to read your book! Norma

Shannon said...

i cant wait to read the chapter about shopping and the mall. As a recovering 'shop-aholic', I'd love to read your approach on mall shopping... my weakness :)

melissa said...

It all sounds interesting. Fashion doesn't come naturally to me and I would really like to learn more about it for myself and for my daughters who are preteen and wanting to look good. We are already working against this trend of wearing skimpy cloths. Thanks for sharing! God bless!

Leesa C said...

Just got my P31 email and needed the comments about impulsive shopping comments...
Chapter 4 about undergarments is probably needed by me. As one that is NOT well-endowed, I am sure I could use the help! :) Enjoyed your blog and put it into favorites! Thanks for all your work! Looking forward to reading the book & glad we don't have to all wear turtlenecks and floor length skirts, just because we are Christians! :) Leesa C

Kelly said...

Chapter 3: What's your score? Making the most of the accesory game. I'm almost always envious of women who have fabulous accessories and I never know how to pull it off. I despise being envious......Looking forward to the whole book! Thanks! Kelly W.

Tammy said...

This is the one that caught my eye...Chapter 1: This is My Bod: Determine Your Real Body Type

Since I entered my 50's my "bod" has sifted and has determined it own body type!


crystal korzep said...

Chapter 4 Undergarments sounds like a great chapter I would like to read. Because this is such a personal topic, I would love to read it in the privacy of my home:)
I would love to win this book.

SusieB. said...

I am excited to read Chapter 8 Skin Isn't In: Be in without Letting it All Hang Out. I have a youth "small group" of teen girls that I meet with each Sunday night. One of main topics we speak on frequently is dressing proper not to cause our brothers in Christ to stumble. I am always looking for different resources to pull from. Our future leaders can never hear that topic to much. Society is always pulling them the wrong direction. Thanks Susie

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to pick just one chapter! I guess Chapter 1 would be most helpful since my shape has changed but my wardrobe accomodated.

FaunStar said...

Answer this question: From reading the above chapter names, which one appeals to you the most?

Intro: What's So Christian about Looking Good?

This appeals to me most because this is an area I really struggle with. I'm afraid of looking good because I'm afraid of people noticing me. It is an area I've been spending a lot of time searching through the Word in, so I'm really looking forward to seeing what you have to say on this.

Camille said...

I'm interested in "The Truth about Black" chapter. It seems like my whole wardrobe is Black! I need some color for sure, but have always heard 'black makes you look smaller' so I've been afraid of colors in my wardrobe:)
I LOVED your devo on P31 today! It definitely hit home in regard to both the compulsive shopping and how I sometimes choose to pray. The devo was very eye-opening for me! Congrats on your new book!

Anonymous said...

I think I'd pick Chapter 1, determine your real body type, but...I'm interested in jeans being your best friend. Not that I can wear them all the time, just interested in what you ahve to say.
I came to you from the Proverbs site and your devotional today really hit home with me.

Stacy said...

This sounds like a really interesting book. I am most interested in Chapter 4 - Whatcha got under there.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about your book!! I need more help finding what looks good on me and a better strategy of how to shop (I'm an impulsive, last minute shopper), so Hit the Mall: Stop, Drop, and Shop looks the most interesting.

-Rachel from Houston

Laurie S said...

I can't wait to read the book, especially about the hair. . . I need a vision of a life without a pony tail.

Anonymous said...

I like Skin isn't in. I hate to see girls trying to fit in by wearing things that are so revealing. It makes it a real struggle for us mom's who don't let their girls dress like that. I love all the chapter names though. I'd love to win the book. I'm sure my 16 year old daughter would love it too. My name is Shannon and my e-mail is cnstucker@att.net

Anonymous said...

Ch. 3: What's Your Score? I like accessories, but never know what to buy. And when I do buy something it is usually to go with one particular outfit, which sort of defeats the purpose of accessories.
Kate S.

Anonymous said...

I'm so looking forward to reading your book! I'm a total hand-me-downs, thrift store girl, but I love to look good and look like ME. Still figuring out how to do that... I'm sure this will help! :-)



Anonymous said...

Thank you for the giveaway. I could use some help with my wardrobe (ok, a lot) and this would be great.

Sarah said...

I think Chapter 3: What's Your Score? would be most helpful to me, because I've always wanted to wear jewelry, but I don't really know how, so I don't wear it much.

srupp1 (AT) embarqmail (DOT) com

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to read your book. I love to analyze things so I want to figure out how I fit into what you've got all laid out. I am curious to read what you say about being Christian and looking good. I will be reading this book.... soon! Free or not! Thanks so much for writing it for all us who need the guidance!

safe said...

I am interested in the first chapter, What's So Christian about looking Good. I am very interested in reading your book. there are so many conflicting articles and images out there that it is refreshing to have something available from one who lives a lifestyle , (Christian) like me. thanks, I hope I win one of your books.

Lisa said...

I too am most interested in the first chapter, "What's So Christian about Looking Good?" I struggle to find the balance between having a healthy sense of pride in my appearance without becoming too vain. I look forward to checking this book out soon (hopefully as one of your winners!).

Jenny said...

The first chapter sounds very intriguing. I really enjoyed your devotional....I think the Lord has really been convicting me lately of time I need to spend with him...daily...not just when it suits my schedule.

The Calm of His Presence said...

The 3rd Chapter about Accessories has my curiosity peaked! After I had my children I stopped wearing accessories of any kind. I'm now ready to start wearing them again. Will you have copies of your book at She Speaks. If you do I will definitely get one!

Cindy B said...

I'm excited to read your new book. I still use your last book " If Clothes Could Talk" for fashion help. I am nost interested in the 3rd chapter Making the Count in the Accessory Game. God Bless your ministry.

Anonymous said...

I just discovered this website today. I am yearning for what you seem to offer.

Congratulations on your book!

All of the chapters sound wonderful and intriguing but, if I have to choose one, I say 6/Make a Statement.

I just turned 50 this summer and I am eager to glean fashion info from your Christian perspective.

Thanks for being there for all of us Proverbs Women Wanna-Be's!

~ Diana

Kelli Williams Wommack said...

I am anxious to read This is My Bod: Determine your Real Body Type. Anxious because i want to know, anxious because I don't want to know! Seriously, I would love to know my body type so that I could dress accordingly and accentuate my positives and minimize my not so positives! Help, Shari! I am so excited for you and your new book. What a welcomed resource in the Christian community where women want to look good but don't want to dress like the world. Would love to win a copy!!!!

Courtney said...

Chapter 7 caught my attention IMMEDIATELY!!!! I LOVE my jeans and would wear them every day if I could.
Your whole book seems very interesting and I cannot wait to read it.
This Proverbs 31 entry could not have come at a better time as my husband and I have been talking about my spending habits and how they need to change. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am most interested in the chapters about body type and jeans. As a stay-at-home mom, I feel like jeans are my uniform and I'd like to find the ones that fit the best.

Sam H said...

"Survival of the Smartest" has me intrigued!!
All the titles are clever and fun! Nice job!

Melinda said...

Chapter 5 of course!!!! At age 50 and loving the beach...I'm dying to see what good advice you give about swimsuits. Hope to see you on the 8th!!!!

Cheryl E said...

I am most interested in the chapter on body type because I feel like I don't have a good sense of what will work best on me. I also, like many others, have a ton of black in my closet, so I'd like to learn how to step away from it and branch out into color. The whole book sounds very helpful. Congratulations to you on getting it out there!

Lisa said...

Looking forward to reading the entire book, however, chapter 3 on accessories sounds interesting. I know that accessories really pull an outfit together, but I struggle in that area a lot.

Julie said...

You spoke at my church this past May and I learned so much!!!
I am looking forward to starting at the beginning with Chapter 1 on body types.
Thank you for being obedient to the Lord with your speaking and writing!

Gig 'Em NYC said...

I am most interested in Chapter 3: What's Your Score? Making the Count in the Accessory Game. I wish I knew how to accessorize :)

Shannon said...

Definitely Chapter 5: Survival of the Smartest: How to Divide and Conquer Swimwear. It's definitely the WORST type of shopping!

Molly said...

All of it sounds great but I would read 'The Truth About Black...' first. I also had my season declared several years ago but I have yet to find any color swatches that all truly look good on me. Anyhoo...would love to win a copy! Still hanging around in my 50's I don't want to look like the 50 yr. olds of my mother's day. :-)

Amy said...

I am so excited to find your blog and your book! I am thankful I made time for my devotion today. It is always a blessing.
I am most intrigued by the chapters on jeans and underwear. I need more flattering selections.

Brittney said...

I just found your site via your devo, and I loved it! I'm truly intrigued by the whole book, but especially interested in the Intro and What's Your Score? Making the Count in the Accessory Game. I love accessories, but they are the last thing I buy, and even when I do, I never feel like I really know how to pull them off! Thanks so much for all you do!

cmsmay said...

I can't wait to read it all! I am a young mom and because my little ones are always growing and in need of new clothes, I have forgotton how to shop for and dress myself.

Shonda said...

The Truth about Black as I thought black is a concealing/slimming type color. Is that a lie? I must find out. Also, Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments. I'm concerned about panty lines and I do not like exposed bra straps.

Have fun at She Speaks! Wish I could be there!

Ashley Sanders said...

Are you kidding? The WHOLE book :) I'm so used to wearing stuff from the juniors section - but it seems like almost everything in front of me is either mickey mouse or a dress that fits like a longer tshirt! ACK!

The devotional today was great, by the way! Thanks so much! (And fits nicely with your new book!) Good job! Thanks for the giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Chapter 6: Make a Statement Hair and Make-up


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to reading Chapter 8 (Skin Is Not In). As a high school teacher, I see a lot of students struggle with the issue of modesty (most don't know what the word means). I would love to share your insights with them. I can't wait to read your book! Congratulations!!


Anonymous said...

Intro: What's So Christian about Looking Good?

The intro caught my interest!

Cindy Q


Edwina said...

Chapter 8: Hit the Mall: Stop, Drop and Shop.

Thanks for this opportunity!


Anonymous said...

My chapter pick would have to be "Intro: What's So Christian About Looking Good?".

Interestingly enough - this was a key question that came up during a 5 year period where I was asking questions (and getting answers loud and clear) about becoming Christian and is now part of my testimony! Driving to work one day I had the 'thought' and asked God - "Isn't it vanity for a Christian woman to (want to) 'look good'? Why would a Christian woman be focused on 'looking good' - aren't they all (or shouldn't they be) rather blah and homey looking?" Truly and literally the VERY next day the sermon on a church radio broadcast answered that very question! (essentially 'what is your intention and reason for 'looking good'? ie: to attract male attention) It was a Twilight Zone-music in the background moment that gave me chills!

Since becoming Christian - I have found truly beautiful women at church who are not vain in the least but yet glow from the inside, with a true joie de vivre, joy in their life in Christ. The clothes, hair, make-up, style, accessories is the icing, making them just shimmer! Aren't you drawn to a woman that sparkles? Doesn't that just glorify God?! Keeping His temple not just clean (inside), but beautiful (outside too)?!

For my personal stage of life, coming out of the phase of infant/very small children to now 4 & 7 years; I have the (slight extra) time, energy and desire to put in the effort to look better, thus feeling better overall and specifically about myself (contra my insecurities) and am better able to, or 'free' to be focused on the example I represent as a Christian woman to the non-believers I come into contact with. Looking nice and feeling better gives me confidence to be 'me' exactly as God made me - double chin and all (not saying I still wouldn't like to fix that some day!).

Your seminar when you visited our church (Green Valley Baptist, Henderson, NV - last Spring?) was very inspiring and enlightening (not to mention just plain FUN!) and not overwhelmingly impossible. A true and honest assessment of ourselves in the here and now (not the impossible 'wish or dream of what we can't and won't ever realistically be'), a few tweaks of coloring, clothing and accessories and looking and feeling like a million bucks wasn't so impossible after all!

The P31 devo on 'impulsive shopping' was splendid in it's universal reach - what women hasn't desperately, impulsively shopped in some way to fill a hole that only the Lord God, our Savior can fill; and who in this crazy time crunched world hasn't at some point experienced an impulsive relationship with Jesus? Thanks for the reality and priority check! The timing of the P31 devo, link to your blog, etc. were certainly not coincidence!

Best of luck with the new book!

Nicole Hunt, lvfrenchy@cox.net

Cindy in PA said...

"Chapter 7: Jeans: A Girl's Real Best Friend," caught my attention. I haven't been able to find jeans that fit in years!

Congratulations on your book and thank you for the opportunity to win one!

ElaineDavis said...

The Truth About Black: Meet Your True Colors is the chapter that sounds the most helpful to me. I've gotten varying opinions over the years until I'm not sure what colors look best on me!
Thanks so much...can't wait to read the book!!


Kim said...

I love the book!!! I received it last week and I've already read the entire thing. It was all so valuable, but I would have to say Chapter 1 about the bod intrigues me the most!

Thanks for encouraging us women to be all that God has created us to be!

You are one beautiful lady - from the inside out!!!

Isabelle said...

I am extremely excited about ordering the book. I have to say that all of the chapters look interesting to me, but I would have to say that the one that intrigues me most is the one on hair and makeup. I think that that will be the most helpful to me, since I am just starting to really wear makeup.

The Hailey's said...

I'm most interested in the accessory chapter. I never know what to wear.

Elizabeth Bergman said...

Hi Sheri!! I can't wait to get your book and start working on "my look" like you suggested! It'll also be a great tool to help other women too. I'm mostly looking forward to Chapter 8: Hit the Mall: Stop, drop, and shop. It'll be neat to see actual brands that would help me with my body type, color, etc. Again, I'm so excited about your book, I know it'll help so many women who maybe can't afford an image consultant session, but can buy a $10 book and completely transform the way they feel about themselves. Oh, that is need so much in this day and age where every single magazine cover has a picture of a stick on it!! Women don't seem to realize that those women are only about 4% of the entire population! They need to appreciate how God made them, and furthermore if everyone was a stick how boring life would be. :) Anyway, so many women need your book, and will be so blessed by it. Love you!

adge said...

Chapters 1 and 7 interest me most. I tried looking to see if this book was at my library but they don't have it yet. Please include me in the giveaway. Thanks.

Shelia said...

I think I am going to enjoy reading your chapter about swimsuits. I am an hour shape (that has been stretched out some by three children) but with a large bust and ghetto bottom so swimsuits can be EXTREMELY hard to find. Especially so everything doesn't fall out in both areas. I am looking forward to reading your book. Thanks so much.

Tami Wall said...

The whole book looks great! But I think the first three chapters are what I need to get started to figuring out what works for me. It's about time there was a book out like this. Wishing you great success with all your hard work!

sheryl said...

Ch 5- swimwear. Thank you for the devo on p31! Looking forward to reading your new book!

Anonymous said...

Loved yesterdays devo. I work for a church and one of our quotes is "Be proactive not reactive". The devo made it take on a new and deeper meaning.

My book has shipped and I'm anxiously awaiting it. Have ordered my color swatches, also (thanks, Shari, for your help). I actually hate to mall shop but am considered the fashionista amoung my friends so I'm interested in Ch. 8: Hit the Mall to read Shari's advice and hopefully make it a more pleasant experience.

Shari, looking forward to you offering more Image Consultant Speaker Training courses in the future. I think it is something I would love to do, be good at and glorify God with.

Lorri W.

Anonymous said...

I would be excited about reading the 1st chapter - This is my bod - determining your real body type - and then I would get excited about chapter 2 and then chapter 3, ok, so you get my drift. I so need help with this fashion thing from clothes to hair to make-up to wear to buy to what to buy and everything underneath and in between. If you think you could help me, then I would love to win a copy of your book.

Nanci at kelbla@aol.com

Dee said...

I'm so happy to have found your blog from Proverbs 31. I look forward to your book. Chapters 1 and 6 are tied for me. As a 60 year old woman, clothes buying can sometime be challenging - either too young or too matronly! I want to dress from head to toe appropriately for my age, including hair and makeup. Your advice will be welcome. Thanks

Kimberly said...

I am most interested in The Truth about Black: Meet Your True Colors. I am kinda stuck on black and am sure I need to add some colors to my wardrobe.

Katie Flint said...

What an awesome idea! I can't wait to read and learn more!

Gammie said...

We are representing the King. It is so important to look good inside and out.

Dori Cox (dori_cox@hotmail.com) said...

I'm interested in the "black" chapter too...since last year, I've purchased several black items for my wardrobe. Not sure why??? maybe this chapter will tell me. Thanks for sharing, and can't wait to read your new book!! God Bless!!

Unknown said...

I don't want to enter the contest- just wanted to tell all the girls how AWESOME this book is! I got mine from Amazon a couple of days ago and I can't put it down. I really LOVE having all the pictures. Those are so helpful to actually see what you are talking about!!! Love, love, love! Congratulations!!!!

Robin in VA said...

Chapter 7: Jeans: A Girl's Real Best Friend
This is sooo true. I love my jeans!!!

Just found your site today from the Encouragement for Today devotion. So glad I did. I need help in the fashion area really bad.


Anonymous said...

chapter one

Unknown said...

As a mother of four young kids, there is not a lot of time to contemplate my wardrobe. What I really miss is having a girlfriend to shop with who can share her honest opinion. My husband has come with me a few times when the grandparents were watching the kids, but he's just counting down the minutes! So this whole book sounds really great for giving me "a girlfriend" to get that valuable insight from. I'm especially interested in the body type chapter. I've realized in the last few years what a difference that makes! I also love the fact that the book addresses fashion from a Christian perspective-modesty, and honoring God with all that we are. Thank you so much for writing this book!

Jen from VA

Deb said...

The whole book sounds great if I had to pick one that interests me the most, I would say Chapter 6 - Make a statement with hair & makeup. I always feel as if I am not as polished as I could be especially at work. My next favorite would be Chapter 7 - Jeans a girls real best friend. This sounds like a book that every woman can use. I can't wait to read it.


Chris said...

chapter 8: hit the mall. I struggle with shopping, so some stategies would be good. I stopped wearing black a few months ago (which I used to wear almost every day) when I received my color swatches (I am a warm) and feel so much brighter!

L said...

Chpt. 1 on Body Type and Chpt.6 on Hair and Makeup. With four kids, two of whom are daughters, we all could benefit from this book. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for the color analysis also.

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments

Who doesn't need help in this area... especially after having kids. (Come on girls... admit it! :) )

Anonymous said...

Wow! I need to know what my true colors are, b/c I know they aren't in my closet! I know I need help!

Heather V said...

Not sure if I can choose just one chapter that intrigues me...accessories, jeans, swimsuits, undergarments...hmmmm...just can't decide! Looking forward to reading it!

kredwill said...

This sounds like just the book for me! I have 3 beautiful daughters that are very fashion conscious but they certainly did not get that from me...I definitely missed that boat along the way. I am interested in the first chapter about body type and the second chapter about black. I keep buying the wrong shaped clothing trying to hide my aging body (I'm 51) and have gone to a mostly black wardrobe but know it doesn't look the best on me. Wondering when and where you next boot camp might be. On to the color analysis...!!

GrammaGrits said...

Definitely chapter 3 regarding accessories. The book sounds great - congratulations!

Sara said...

Chapter 8 - I need help finding the clothes!

Heather Finnegan said...

I need to know what colors to wear, and my body type. After 2 kids, and a few pounds, I have been finding it hard to dress my 32 year old body, with clothes that are stylish, budget friendly, but not too "mom" looking!

Allison Lang said...

I am most intrigued by:Chapter 2: The Truth about Black: Meet Your True Colors. I love the color black, but it has become my safehaven! I need out!

mythreesons said...

I think they all sound interesting, but I'm looking forward to the chapter on jeans because I love them but have yet to find the perfect jeans for me. Hoping you can help with that a little.
Also, I have a question. Can you recommend some comfortable, yet cute & stylish sandals? I am struggling to find shoes that fit my active mommy lifestyle (suitable for the park and running around town) but are cute. It seems that everything I find is either uncomfortable & cute or comfortable & ugly. Help me get away from my flip flops!

Ruth said...

I want to read your intro. I'd like to see what you've written about being fashion forward in our Christianity. Sounds good!

Susan B said...

I am interested in the undergarments chapter. I work in an all male prison. Its hard to feel like a woman at work. With out over doing it. I cant draw attention to my self. Please how can we feel like a woman in a mans world.

jacki said...

chapter 8 'Hit the mall' I waste a lot of money when I shop, I buy things, then they just hang in my closet, so many times, once I get them home I don't like how they fit or look on me, even when I've tried them on at the store, whats my problem? I'm trying to get better at this but,I am not being very successful. I need help... Hope I win your book!!

Cindy said...

I would love to win this little treasure of a book. Several chapter title caught my attention but I would really enjoy reading the intro as well as Chapter 8 "Skin isn't in": Be in without letting it all hang out.

Good luck with your book.


K said...

I'm really interested in "The Truth about Black: Meet Your True Colors." Can't wait to branch out a little with colors & KNOW that what I pick will work, without having to look in the mirror 500 times & worry about it all day! :)

Kristin Smith said...

I love the title of Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments. Finding the right fit can be so frustrating!

Anonymous said...

I cannot wait to read your book. Being a Texas girl....I am really interested in the chapter on jeans!

Teresa H

Anonymous said...

I think all of them sound interesting!! I just got my book and can't wait!!!!

Jay N Laura said...

Jeans: A real girl's best friend. I live in jeans! :)

Anonymous said...

I like Chapters 3 and 8. I never wear accessories. Mostly because I'm not sure how to make it all come together. Also I live in Arizona and we spend alot of time near water and I HATE wearing a bathing suit but my kids get frustrated that I don't want to play with them because I'm so worried about being in a suit.

nursela said...

Thanks for offering 3 signed copies for FREE!!! I'm interested in Chapter 2! This is my bod: Determine Your Real Body Type!

Amanda said...

I'm interested in Ch 1 - determining my body type :)

Danette said...

Shari - I received my book yesterday!!! So excited!!! I'm through the introduction and over 1/2 of chapter. The vanpool arrived at work and I had to quite reading...ugh...otherwise I would be much farther along!

The intro was outstanding and provided me with a different perspective on my appearance. Now, I've just got to let it soak into my heart! I can't wait to get through the whole book!

I'm so proud and happy for you!!! You are a rock star...but you knew that already!!! LOL!!!

Doubleeagleruby said...

I think they all sound fabulous, but the one I'm most interested in is Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments. I think my husband would like that one too! :)

Patricia E. said...

Hi Shari, I enjoyed your devo on waiting. I am in a waiting stage right now and it is hard but thanks for the encouragement from David. I think the chapters on body type and accessories are what I would be most interested in. I see women who accessorize so nicely and I just can't seem to swing it. I think the book is a great idea! Wish I was going to the conference....hopefully next year!
Patricia E.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shari.

The chapter that stands out to me is Chapter 4: Whaddya Got Under There? The Art of Undergarments. I do see a lot of bulges in places I don't like to see, and it would be nice to know what types of garments there are to help disguise or downplay any "extra" skin that "pops out." Whether it's under the arm pits, or below the buttocks, I'm sure we could all take a few lessons in learning how to control these (obviously, weight is a factor!).

I have not purchased your book, but I would be excited to receive it. It sounds like it will take the Christian community a step in the right direction when it comes to dressing modestly, but also being a sharp dresser. We don't need to look like dawdy women!!!

Your devotion was right on! I do see that God is put in a corner and taken out when needed. However, He needs to be our constant companion, always. He needs to be the first one we turn to in happy times as well as difficult times. My personal devotions today revealed that we should desire to live on the straight path - but we ever so slightly want the crooked path that leads us into the desert when we could have been to the Promised Land long ago - if only we had listened to the Lord. Thank you for your timely words. Bless you, and enjoy all the time you get to spend edifying the Body with the gifts God has given you.

SarahLynn said...

The chapter that appeals to me most is Chapter 6 (Hair and Makeup). I do the SAME thing with my hair everyday (ponytail) and I'm so tired of it, but it's just the easiest thing to do. Thank you so much for your P31 devotional. You don't know how many times I've run to the store right before an event because "I don't have anything to wear." My appearance is such a struggle because I don't know what to do with myself. I'm only 26 years old, but I just feel lost when it comes what to do with how I look. It's very depressing! It was great to read your devotional and realize how much I do the same thing with God...go to Him when I don't know what else to do. But He's so much more than that and deserves all our time and praise!

Anonymous said...

I would say chapter 3 -what is your score? making the count in the accessory game- Would be a good one to read. We often wonder when enough is enough and how much is the right amount of accessory. I enjoy your blog!

Ruth said...

To me,the intro is very interesting--what is so Christian about looking good? I grew up being taught that the way we looked had nothing to do with our Christianity. The premise of the book sounds really good. It's actually Biblical for a woman to look good? I'm intrigued!


Mama Mpira said...

Oooh -the intro sounds intriguing but I guess I'd jump straight to Chapter 4 - undergarments aren't things I usually think about, they're just there! So help and advice would be interesting.

Well done Shari!

Shelley said...

Chapter 2: I've always wanted my "colors" done. I find myself wearing black more and more, and just settling with what is passable as far as my wardrobe is concerned.

Unknown said...

It all looks interesting but I need to know more about hair and makeup. I am thinking of putting a stop to coloring my gray but I do not want to get frumpy looking. I plan on using temporary color until it all grows out. Is that the best way to do it?

I am currently a "soft". My light brown colored hair is about 1/2 to 2/3 gray. Will I still be a soft once I get all the fake color out of it? Thanks!

Anita - Soaring Eagle said...

I just had to tell you I got your book!!! My closet is cleaned out, there really isn't that much I need to buy - PRAISE THE LORD. I woreone of the colors you suggested for me and I got so many compliments - THANK YOU!!! I am recommending this book to all of my girl friends and even women I meet....

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a much needed & informative book! I think what jumped out to me was chapter 2...the truth about black. For me black has always been sort of a staple, even tho now they say brown is the new black. Love brown too, but black is just 'safe'. Just discovered this website this morning...thank you!