Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What to Wear: A Beautiful You

Welcome regular Wednesday readers and to those of you who popped over here from the Proverbs 31 Devotional that's running today called Beauty Wounds. I am thrilled you decided to visit with me. I write this blog only on Wednesdays and this is where you'll find fashion connecting with faith.

We take time here each week to remind ourselves that God made each of us real beauties and this is the place I help you dress the beautiful body God gave you, no matter your size or shape!

In this week's devotional you'll see I addressed the issue of Beauty Wounds. We all have them but some of us have wounds that cut much deeper than others. We remember things that were said to us, how they were said and exactly where we were when they were said. We also remember WHO said them to us and for many of us, we still sting when we think of that person.

If you haven't read the devo today, I encourage you to do that and you can click here to read it.

There is another form of beauty wound that we inflict on ourselves and I want to offer you a chance to look inside yourself and see if you are doing the wounding, as Tracy has done. Prayerfully, she's on her way to healing from that.

Tracy made a comment in last week's blog after she read my new book

Here's what she had to say: (I'm going to paraphrase, if you want to read her entire comment, go to last week's blog comments and read it there.)

I purchased your book at my local Borders (Pennsylvania) a few days ago and devoured it
(I have four kids so that is no mean feat). I *LOVE* this book.

It was obvious that you have great courage and that it wasn't easy to put this information out there in such an honest way. I myself struggle daily with the issue of where my heart's desires intersect with the LORD's, especially in this delicate area of personal appearance and material prosperity. I think you knocked it out of the park because God really wanted this word to go out to His girls, many of whom are really hurting and not reflecting His glory they way we are intended to.

I immediately began to implement your advice and when I came downstairs for church yesterday, my hubby said, "you look great" and my friend said, "you look so pretty". I am a gal who has gained 40 pounds in the last 7 years, so I went from doing some modeling and being highly praised to being completely ignored. As I was reading your opening chapter, tears were just streaming down my face because I realized how much I had just stuffed the hurt away and decided that it was a "sacrifice" I made for the privilege of having my beautiful children. But secretly I was so ashamed and guilty because I really missed that attention and praise!

So I gave myself permission to try to find a new beauty that was deeper and more lasting than the old one, by combining the beauty I have in Christ on the inside with the beauty still to be discovered on my outside. Love, Tracy

I share this with you because today, I want you to take a new look at yourself. I want you to realize that you are pretty. Really, really pretty. I want you to realize that your body is okay. Just the way it is. I want you to stop comparing yourself to other women. And I want you to remember that true beauty starts deep down inside, with God at the center. And then I want you to go to your closet and put something on that makes you feel good. And then walk out the door with confidence. I know confidence doesn't happen overnight, but when you have the tools to dress for the body you have now, not the one you wish you had, then confidence starts to exude from us a little more each and every day.

I love you girls! We're gonna have fun with the blog comments today so keep on reading.

Make sure you enter the Makeover Sweepstakes!

A special thank you to Tracy for taking the time to write the comment last week and for blessing so many others this week by your honesty. I love you.

Will you do something this week in the comments below? Will you leave a comment and tell someone they are beautiful? Here's how it's gonna go: The very first person to comment will tell us what she doesn't like about herself and what has always made her insecure.

The second person to comment is going to compliment the FIRST commenter. The third commenter will compliment the second commenter about her insecurity, and so on and so on and so on....can you imagine how much fun we can have with this? Let's build each other up, let's build a chain reaction.

And help us NOT to be ignored anymore by others, whether we have gained 40 pounds or 400 pounds. Let's make a pact today to not only compliment each other on this blog, but continue it through out the week and compliment other women everywhere you go. And NOT just the pretty ones that society says are pretty. Because, girls, EVERYONE has something you can compliment them about. Everyone. Don't forget the person in the drive thru lane at McDonalds. Don't miss a soul. Okay, let's start! Who's first? (It might happen that a few people are writing their comment at the same time, so make sure you check back and no one gets missed!)

You guys are the best!
Love, Shari


Mariah said...

I'm trying to be brave. I don't like my cellulite legs and flat chest, after nursing 3 kids, I'm not the same. :/

Anonymous said...

Pretty interesting site you've got here. Thanks the author for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

Bella Benedict

Dorothy said...

To Mariah,
God loves you and has given you 3 beautiful children. Be encouraged!

Larri said...

Thanks for the great post! Found you through Proverbs31. I was just blogging yesterday about how I'm learning to love my gray hair. :o) Looking forward to reading your blog. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

After working for Weight Watchers for 17 years and maintaining my weight, slowly my weight has crept back up. I was feeling like a failure until I read your blog. God cannot make a mistake! I am now 70 years old and feel great! No matter what my weight is I remember that I am a blessed woman.

Sue Tipler said...

Bella, keep reading, the blogs & site are awesome!
Dorothy, what an encourager you are!
Larri, you've earned every one of those gray hairs, celebrate them!
Marie, keep taking care of the temple God gave you, He'll reward you for it!
And Shari, you are blessed among women to be able to share your wisdom with the rest of us. I've read several "fashion" books & watch "What Not to Wear" and no one matches your expertise, but most of all LOVE for the women you encounter, and even those you don't. Thank you!

Kim said...

Suzi, you are an encourager! I can tell by the words that you have chosen to share with the others! Your beauty shines from within!!

I'm learning to be thankful for the size and shape that God has created me! Trying to focus on my strengths, rather than my larger bottom half.

Anonymous said...

I totally understand as I have a large bottom half too. I would encourage you to remember that you are a daughter of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! You ARE the apple of His eye. You are NOT defined by your "bottom half" and neither am I. We are defined by our hearts that have been filled by the love of God! Let's both practice letting Him shine from within us to others and focus on that! I know that we can do it and I know that we will feel awesome when we do it and those who are affected by our "shine" will be encouraged too!

Anonymous said...

Peggy You made me feel better just reading your comment to Kim. I have a crippling disease and I have had to be on steroids for almost 4 years and I have gained 40 pounds. I hate myself but then I have to be thankful that because of the steroids I can walk. Is it the right trade off. I know God loves me but it is hard to love the new fat. Kathy

Anonymous said...

How precious you are. You are so right none of us are defined by our looks. What an encourager you are I pray that today or any day you feel bad about you "bottom half" that you will remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made and so loved by our Savior.

This is my first time being to this blog and I need it today! I have two children that I love dearly but I have 60 extra pounds that I didn't have 8 years ago. I am learning to love me for how God sees me and not what the mirror shows but it is a challenge. Thanks for this opportunity!

Shelia said...

To every single commenter - you are each beautiful, unique and special in your OWN way because you are a child of God. HE created YOU because HE loves YOU!!!!
I try so hard to remember that each day when I look in the mirror and see the extra 40 lbs gained from the separation/divorce over the last 2 1/2 years. But what I can't see is the wisdom, strength and courage i have learned along the way. I see that when my children tell me how pretty I am and see that maybe I haven't quite failed them so badly.
Thank You Shari - you are a blessing.

Chris said...

Praise God your disease is healed to the point you can walk! I hope you are off the steroids or will come off soon, because that weight gain is a side effect that will get better! I pray that every time you see the weight you'll see right past it to the strenth in your legs. What a blessing!!
I'm struggling with the signs of aging that I see more and more every day.... wrinkles, sags, droops... it's humbling!
God Bless, all! This blog and devotional was such a blessing today~!

Anonymous said...

We are all perfect in God's eyes. He made each of us as we are for a reason and He doesn't make mistakes!!! Every pound we have from children or every gray hair we have from whatever - they are our badges of honor for being the wives, mothers and friends. I strive to do the best I can with what I have, I get discouraged and wish I were taller, thinner, had straighter, whiter teeth, etc. but then I read an encouraging word in a wonderful blog like this one or in my daily devo and it all seems to be put back into perspective.


sagreen125 said...

I think you are amazing women, that you are a Child of God, He loves you and I think God you are a courageous woman that has not given up on God.
I have gained weight as it seemed in the past few years friends just weren't supportive in a few losses our family faced. Been hard sometimes. But am thankful for the women of Proverbs 31 who encourage.
Thanks Stacy

sharon said...

Popped over here from my daily Proverbs31 devotional. Can't wait to read more on your site.

Sheila, slowly but surely God reminds me that people are people & even the ones with the best intentions will sometimes let us down. The great part though is that in doing this He lets me know that He is truly the only One who won't. He is always available & capable of meeting all of our needs & being there for us when no one else is.

You are an absolutely beautiful & precious child of God. I think the enemy wallers in our vulnerabilities & can help us lose site of who we really are in God's eyes. I'll be praying for you :)

Unknown said...

Sharon, thanks for your encouraging words, you are right in that God will never let us down...what a beautiful concept!

Stacy, I guess you learned who your true friends were then. It can be difficult at times but it sounds as though you know you can always count on your best friend, Jesus! Bless you dear and remember that you are a child of the King!

I struggle sometimes with wanting to lose weight but remember that right now my #1 priority is nursing my 3-month old and I am blessed to be able to do it. God allows me to see the beauty in the moment!

Blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a home where make-up was taboo, no pierced ears either. I always wore the chubby girl sizes too (and those clothes were never as cute as regular sizes). I remember a comment by one of the boys on the school bus one day telling me to "pick on someone your own size". That hurt, and that summer of ninth grade I lost alot of weight by excercising and not eating starches. Got a boyfriend that year and started a promiscuous lifestyle at 15. I have been through two marriages and struggling in my third and this idea of being thin and pretty haunts me. Each time I have gained weight I shut down from my husband and truly feel he would not want someone as unattractive as me. That is what is going on now too. I hate what I see in the mirror. I feel like i have always been a plain jane, and additional weight is just more ugliness. After my second husband left me,I lost 100 lbs thinking he would really want me now, but it didn't make a difference, he had already gone on to someone else. Now, I guess I have pushed another husband away but thankfully I have a very dear Pastor's wife who is trying to help me with my life and trying to save the marriage. I don't know if all this stems from that one comment and the fact that no one ever was interested in me when I was overweight or if there are other factors. I do know My attitude about myself needs to change but I don't quite know how to do it...well I do know the Word of God has the answers and like it was said in the devotional to take every thought captive. thank you, Barbara

Anonymous said...

Trudy--what a blessing to be able to nurse your baby! That was a joyful time for me, a special bonding time that I miss now that my boys are 8 and 4. I believe that nursing laid a foundation for our cuddle time now! Way to go for seeing the God moment in that special time!

Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to God for a site like this! I popped over here from the Proverbs 31 devoation. You all are beautiful and wonderful women! I have been struggling with my weight. The last few weeks God has been showing me for me, it's gluttony. Please pray that in His strength I'll overcome.

Love in Christ

Elizabeth said...

WOW! You ladies are such encouragers!
I really want to encourage the lady who has gone through two husbands and is struggling with her present husband. I understand that fat is NEVER what a girl wants, but life happens and it comes! It's good that you're excercising to keep healthy, don't give up on that! But if you have extra fat, don't worry about it! You just need to learn to dress your body appropriately and experiment with makeup and accessories. I'm pretty sure your husband loves you no matter what you look like! And always remember that GOD Loves you more than any man ever could and no matter what you look like. Call on Jesus today and lay your fears before His feet. He's more than happy to take them away from you! Rest in HIM, and be LOVED!!!! He is AMAZING!! Be blessed. You are fearfully and wonderfully made!!!

Anonymous said...


Let us celebrate ourselves today despite the gray hairs, sags, droops etc. Our Father wants us to love ourselves just where we are and not where we want to be. He loves us nonetheless and we should love ourselves. I know it's hard because I too struggle like you all.

Thanks Shari you nailed it. You are like a balm to our wounds. You are an encourager and a beauty expert for all of us. God knew what he was doing when he called you to minister in this area.

Let us celebrate our true beauty and give our Father much pleasure today by thanking him for this gift. Bye you all.

Real Time Prayers said...

Hi Patty,

Praise God that you are beautifly and wonderfuly made and you have a voice to hear God speaking to you. I too am very much overweight and have a bad case of alopecia so when hear any one say you are prety I have a hard time beleaving it. I even have a hard time beleiving Gods word when it says I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Much Prayers requested.

Anonymous said...

Hi Momma of JAA,
I understand your feelings....for years I thought when someone complimented me it was just a joke. I am now starting to see that God doesn't make mistakes and loves all of me...including the fluffy!!! (((((Momma)))))) hugs to you and may today you get a glimpse of the way God sees your beautiful body!! And may that glimpse grow into a future vision that helps you hold your head high and keep that bright smile!!!
May your greatest dreams be the least of God's reality for your life!!!
Kerri Lynn

Deanna said...

I can see many of us have weight problems. I have been overweight all of my life and hate it. I just hate it! I am normally a happy person, until my weight gets me down.
I know God loves me, but I also know he does not want me to stay heavy. I am not taking very good care of His temple this way.
Thanks for listening.

Michelle said...

Deanna, I understand about feeling badly about being overweight, I have struggled with being 60 pounds overweight since I had my kids. The ironic thing is I lost the baby weight but started having health issues about a year later and the weight just packed on so fast it was scary. The health issue has been resolved with medication but I can't seem to lose the weight. It is very depressing at times, especially when I go clothes shopping and have to remember that I am no longer small enough for the "cute" clothes. God started working on me about my self attitude and Shari's book helped even more. I have a teenage daughter who struggles with her weight and self image and I am working to be a better role model for her. We have to remember that God loves us warts and all, our weight, size and looks do not define us - HE does. The only thing Jesus dislikes about us is our sin but if we confess it dailty to Him then all He sees is how beautiful we are! Be encouraged dear sisters, the negative feelings and thoughts we feel about ourselves are reflective of the truth for how God see's us and what His heart feels towards us!

Unknown said...

Michelle, as Shari and the Bible tells us, you are beautiful just the way you are. I, the same as you, had hip surgery and the medications have made me put on about 25 pounds, and let me tell you at 56 years of age, it is like trying to take off 100 pounds!! Losing confidence due to your weight is really hard to overcome, but together we can do it! I have finally started walking (this past weekend) so of course no results yet, but I know God will be with me and I will see the results I am looking for soon. And, there are some very "cute" clothes in the larger sizes, so don't give up hope. I'm sure you are adorable!

Danielle said...

Kelly -

Your picture (on your comment) is beautiful, and I can tell by the words you wrote that your spirit is beautiful too! Congrats on starting to walk and keep up the great work! Always remember you are wonderfully and fearfully made and the apple of God's eye!

Dee said...

Danielle, Thanks for your sweet encouragement to Kelly. As your picture shows your physical beauty, I sense that your words reveal your inner beauty. I am so thankful that God has made me accepted in the Beloved. As a 60 year old, I still sometime fret whenever I look into the mirror. Where did that young woman go? But I am greatly blessed.

Anonymous said...

I was really moved by today's devotion and the comments left by all of you. After the birth of my second child, I became anorexic and almost lost everything that is important to me. It was God's Word (Like Ps. 45:11 that Shari used in her devo.) that saved me from the lies of the eating disorder and the lies of this world and brought me back to wholeness. Ladies, do not be fooled into thinking that you are the number on your scale and in your clothes. You are beautiful because you are made in His image. As we all deal with changing bodies and shapes, we need to cling to that and the knowledge that if we seek God first, He will provide "all we need" for a healthy life that pleases HIM. Praying for all of you.- Jeanette Yates

Melissa said...

I am greatly encouraged by seeing loving sisters in Christ reach out to each other. Darn that Satan for finding our weak "button" and pushing on it!!! Anything that causes us to be depressed or down (our dissatisfaction with our weight) gets in the way of our seeing the abundance with which we've been blessed. This was a topic earlier in the week from Proverbs 31 ministry, and I have taken it to heart!! Focusing on the ABUNDANCE, rather than the lack, helps me have a sunny outlook on life, and all that God has to offer. Would I like to be thinner?? You bet!! But, does my weight interfere with who I am in Christ? NO WAY!! I thank my Father who has blessed me in ways too numerable to mention...if those blessings were accompanied by a few pounds, then so be it! There's just that much more of me to go out and live my witness! My love to all of you...may you see God's blessings where you've felt the world's hardships.

Anonymous said...

WOW - every one of these posts has inspired me - what Godly women you all are. I am a diabetic and have struggled lately - am not overweight but have high blood pressure and cholestral. What reassures me is that "God knows the number of hairs on my head." HE KNOWS ME! Saying a prayer for all you Godly women.

Anita - Soaring Eagle said...

So many years - before I was a Christian I just "hated" my looks. I was in the Army and this doctor who knew another doctor "fixed my face". I had a bump in my nose they took it out. I had my jaw stick out and they pushed it back. (I was their training device). Now, I would love to have my "bump" back for my glasses would stay on better, and maybe my wrinkles wouldn't show so much if my jaw stuck out. It was so odd that it was a chaplain who told me to do this. Oh I wish he would have focused on my soul instead of my looks. Those things did not make me feel pretty - the only thing that did is accepting Jesus into my heart about 8 years ago.

I admit I still would love to have a tummy tuck...but I will keep working out - for 55 years old, I weigh 150 - so not too bad....yes,I color my hair - not ready for the gray because I feel so young on the inside!

Yes, I still am concerned with my looks - that is why I bought your book - but not the way I was before. I just want to look my best that I can to show God's temple in a right way - to show others that my true beauty though comes from inside. By dressing right sometimes that helps me get there.

Thank you for your wonderful posts. I am so thankful that I can come here. You wouldn't believe what a change in my closet is!

May God Bless you always, Anita

b blessed said...

Melissa, I love your attitude. Each morning we have a choice--we can choose what our attitude will be: Philp. 2:5-"Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus Had..." It is awesome to look at our blessings for truly we have many. And to the post above...God has done awesome things in your life. You are his beautiful daughter. 150 lbs. at 55 years of age is awesome!! And God is telling me right now that YOU DO show others your beauty and do you know whay?--they want what you have!
My next birthday will be 60 yrs. I always want to be able to be a great grandma, but not look like one that we used to think about when we said 'grandma'. Hoping that living with God and Holy Spirit in my life it all will just happen the way it should!
May each of you be blessed,

Kelly said...

I wanted to leave a comment for Kerri Lynn a few comments's okay to receieve a compliment and say thank you for it, and not apologize! You are a beautiful woman, inside and outside!
I struggle with arthritis in both hips and at age 52 I find it frustrating to be stiff and in pain...I am praying for God to heal me as I am not ready for hip replacements yet (the ortho surgeons have told me it's a genetic condition, one of my grandma's had both hips replaced in her 70's)...I've had corisone injections and physical therapy including pool therapy and its keeping me going. But somedays I feel frustrated as I am not physically able to do all the things I want to do, and am fighting the sort of 'it's not fair' feeling instead of trusting God through it all!

Lisa's Life said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa's Life said...

Melanie, Chris, and Dee, I noticed that you have some of the same issues I have... either aging or mirror problems or both. But what I noticed about you was that you were an encourager. Thank you for those wonderful words. You are beautiful to me and especially to God who made you.
Kris, Elizabeth, and Kerri Lynn, You, too are such wonderful encouragers. I know that you made the day of the ladies you touched today.
Lorri, you are so right about being discouraged and then having a devotion boost you. What a blessing the devotion has been to me and what a blessing you have been to me.
My story:
Just yesterday I was feeling down because I had been dieting and losing inches, but the scales just would NOT go down. I clearly had lost pants sizes because my clothes were baggy, but the scales were not moving. I had been beating myself up for weeks. I looked in the mirror and saw exactly what I saw before any weight loss. I tried on smaller pants and much to my surprise, they were too big as well. I had to go down another size. I had actually lost 3 pants sizes. Suddenly, I saw (in the mirror) a flatter stomach, smaller arms, legs, and face that 5 minutes before I saw as huge. My point is ladies... We are letting society, mirrors, and other peoples hurtful words lie to us about who we are!!!! Nothing changed in that 5 minutes except my perception of my self.
I pray that we will all see ourselves as God sees us. Beautifully and wonderfully made.

Anonymous said...

Well, I posted early on but I feel the need to post again for myself. I have gained and lost and gained and lost. I have diabetes now and I am working at losing. But there is something that God revealed to me recently and that is that I think of myself as totallly unworthy to look good at a healthy weight. Perhaps it is from the child abuse and all that came from that but I realized that God had truly hit the nail on the head. I wish I could remember the words that literally flew out of my mouth one day when I was praying about this issue. It was especially degrading and negative. Yet, when I heard it, it resonated within my very soul that I truly do believe that I am not worthy and don't deserve to look thinner and to be healthy. I don't know what to think or say about any of it. I know that God will help me grow past this. Please pray that I will be listening to Him and seeing myself as He does.

Linda F. said...

To Lisa's Life: Congrats on the loss of your weight! Of course, whether we gain or lose we are still beautiful and wonderful in God's eyes-though it is easier to say/write this than to really take it to heart.

Right now, I am struggling b/c I am on medication for a chronic condition. The meds. make my weight yo yo constantly and it is so so so hard to lose:( Of course having two kids in less than two years doesn't exactly help the weight problem either:) It's a struggle to see myself as ok with all these weight problems but I am going to try harder after reading the devo. and blog!

Lisa's Life said...

Peggy, I too was abused as a child and felt that I did not deserve to look good or be thin. I have struggled with my weight my whole life even as a child. My weight has gone up and down more times than I can count and is directly related to how I view myself and what is going on in my life. I will pray for you as you deal with your abuse and its effects. I pray that God heals your hurts and allows you to see yourself as He sees you which is exactly as He made you. I also pray that you begin to accept the fact that the abuse was not your fault. You were a child. Therefore you can not hold yourself responsible and unworthy any longer. You are beautiful and lovely. You are good and loved. You deserve to be healthy and look good. I will continue to pray with you, Peggy.

Jeni B said...

Lisa You are so beautiful and it's not just on the outide it's on the inside. You have grown from your abuse and know that God loves you no matter what you look like. I had my 1st child a year ago and while pregnant gained 70 pounds!! I look in the mirror and see a monster even though I have lost most of the weight, but nothing is where it once was! I pray every night that God will heal my heart and let me see my beauty, but it is so hard when I don't see it and my husband is far from encouraging.

The Calm of His Presence said...

Jeni B,
Thank you for your encouraging words to Lisa. I too gained nearly 70 pounds with my first child. I felt very much like you did after losing most of my weight. Remember, God gave you an amazing gift in the birth of your child. He performed a miracle inside of you. Your body may not look like it did before you had your baby but, look at it as a badge of honor that God trusts you to love and raise your child. I will pray that you will see how beautiful you are.

I am 4'11" and for most of my life have struggled with feeling inadequate because I am so short. I have learned to embrace the body God gave me but, I still struggle with the thoughts that people may not take me seriously because I am so short.

Thank you to each of you for being so encouraging.

Melinda said...

Mary...Ephesians 2:10 reads like this..."Mary is God's masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do the good things he created her to do a long time ago." Don't you just love the thought that you are a masterpiece!!! WOW that's awesome!

My insecurities? My belly fat and face wrinkles!!!! I don't feel 50 so why should I have to look 50??!?! LOL

Heather J said...

Mary, I am 5'10" so I can understand the opposite side of the spectrum for you. What a beautiful gift and perspective our heights give us!! Embrace your sweet height and let Jesus show you His purpose even in this.

Jeni B, There is a verse in Psalms that says "He will perfect that which concerns me" I think in 138 ish ?? sorry. But that has been my verse to cling to about my weight - letting my heart trust that HE CARES about what concerns me and will PERFECT it...there is a GREAT Book by Lisa Bevere called "you are not what you Weigh" also changed my life. :)
My insecurity lies in my super super flat chest...2 babies later, there is not much left...I just want to fill a full A! Not kidding...I'm seeking the Lord to be able to be CONFIDENT and FREE with my husband, even after 7 yrs of marriage.

Heather J said...

Mary, I am 5'10" so I can understand the opposite side of the spectrum for you. What a beautiful gift and perspective our heights give us!! Embrace your sweet height and let Jesus show you His purpose even in this.

Jeni B, There is a verse in Psalms that says "He will perfect that which concerns me" I think in 138 ish ?? sorry. But that has been my verse to cling to about my weight - letting my heart trust that HE CARES about what concerns me and will PERFECT it...there is a GREAT Book by Lisa Bevere called "you are not what you Weigh" also changed my life. :)
My insecurity lies in my super super flat chest...2 babies later, there is not much left...I just want to fill a full A! Not kidding...I'm seeking the Lord to be able to be CONFIDENT and FREE with my husband, even after 7 yrs of marriage.

Anonymous said...

All of your comments are so encouraging, God bless all of you!

Heather J - I am on the opposite end of the spectrum as you! I am short, and have a large bust. I usually have to buy a larger size dress/shirt just to cover up and be modest (and going up a size does nothing for my confidence)! Sometimes I wish my bust was smaller so that I could wear sun dresses and button down shirts without the buttons looking like they're going to pop! Embrace it! Your husband loves you, your babies love you, and most of all, Jesus loves you. He created you in His image, how exciting!

I have the same issues as many women on here, my weight. I often compare myself to others (which I know is not healthy). Thank you all for your uplifting comments.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous & all, let's remember that we are here to encourage one another, God's Word calls us to do that :) And let's live so that, when our feet hit the floor each morning, Satan says: Uh oh, she's up!
Blessings and hugs!

Anonymous said...

To Anita - Soaring Eagle:

Your comment about having surgery done on your nose and your jaw and then wishing you had it back the way it originally was really spoke to me.
Since I was a preteen, I have never liked my nose. It's long and it seems extra long especially from my side profiles when I see it in pictures.
Growing up it felt like all my friends had these cute little button noses compared to my "big" one. I went so far as to see a plastic surgeon about getting a nose job, but decided against it b/c the whole process seemed long and painful.
When this topic has come up in conversation, people say they never noticed anything different about my nose at all and that it looks perfectly fine with my face.
I've come to realize that like what a previous commenter said, a lot of it is our negative self talk that we let dictate how we see ourselves instead of how God sees us.
I am now 40 yrs old and God has helped me realize over all these years that while my nose may not be the ideal size I want it to be, it's the size He created it to be for me.
So take heart my dear sister in Christ! You are beautiful both inside and outside -- You are loved by the Lord and by others -- and You are created in His image for His purpose. Thank you for encouraging me today! May God bless you!


P.S. I'm so glad to see how many women are encouraging each other on this website. Thanks, Shari, for getting the ball rolling on this!

Unknown said...

Dear Heather J, I understand you on the flat chest thing. I have 4 children and have nursed them all exclusively. I have considered this to be an honor, no doubt about it. Breastfeeding is such a sacrifice. I have loved it though so much. My baby (and probably last) is 10 months old and I am trying to cherish every session with her. I know it will end soon and I already miss it. It is so hard saying goodbye to these stages. Having four kids and nursing them all has done a doozy on my body. I am pretty fit. I run alot and love to exercise and eat healthy. But things are not where they used to be and I struggle with feeling "old" and "saggy" at 35 years old. In clothes you can't tell but I am always ashamed when undressed and am definitely not "free" with my husband intimately which is very sad to me.I am so self conscious. I am thinking about getting cosmetic surgery and have for a while.I probably will get a tummy tuck at some point. My stomach is severely shot and I am embarressed by it especially when being intimate with my husband. This should not be. He is fine about it and tells me often he thinks I am perfectly beautiful..everything. He knows the price my body has had to pay by bringing our children into the world. He values this and ME highly. Its just something thats so hard to let go of. On the other hand I feel bad about going to the extreme of surgery. I do not believe in the concept in many ways when I stop and reflect deeply. Is this a good example to set for my daughters? Is this the legacy I want o pass on to them? That they have to be "fixed" (what our society tells us by the new "Mommy Makeover" fever, plastic surgery for tummy and boobs after giving birth) after having children? Is this what God intended for us women? I struggle with this hugely. My flesh wants to be "fixed". My spirit tells me this does not seem just. I have loved reading all of the comments. Our struggles with our beauty is absolutely universal as women. And with the way this society has gone by putting women's looks as the MAIN focus, it just gets harder. I love seeing the rare woman who is at peace with herself, and her body. How beautiful that is. It encourages me greatly and one day I hope to be that woman. We will see where my journey leads me. Thank you ladies for all of your insights. Peace and love to you all! :)
~Love, Angela R.

Unknown said...

Dear Heather J, I understand you on the flat chest thing. I have 4 children and have nursed them all exclusively. I have considered this to be an honor, no doubt about it. Breastfeeding is such a sacrifice. I have loved it though so much. My baby (and probably last) is 10 months old and I am trying to cherish every session with her. I know it will end soon and I already miss it. It is so hard saying goodbye to these stages. Having four kids and nursing them all has done a doozy on my body. I am pretty fit. I run alot and love to exercise and eat healthy. But things are not where they used to be and I struggle with feeling "old" and "saggy" at 35 years old. In clothes you can't tell but I am always ashamed when undressed and am definitely not "free" with my husband intimately which is very sad to me.I am so self conscious. I am thinking about getting cosmetic surgery and have for a while.I probably will get a tummy tuck at some point. My stomach is severely shot and I am embarressed by it especially when being intimate with my husband. This should not be. He is fine about it and tells me often he thinks I am perfectly beautiful..everything. He knows the price my body has had to pay by bringing our children into the world. He values this and ME highly. Its just something thats so hard to let go of. On the other hand I feel bad about going to the extreme of surgery. I do not believe in the concept in many ways when I stop and reflect deeply. Is this a good example to set for my daughters? Is this the legacy I want o pass on to them? That they have to be "fixed" (what our society tells us by the new "Mommy Makeover" fever, plastic surgery for tummy and boobs after giving birth) after having children? Is this what God intended for us women? I struggle with this hugely. My flesh wants to be "fixed". My spirit tells me this does not seem just. I have loved reading all of the comments. Our struggles with our beauty is absolutely universal as women. And with the way this society has gone by putting women's looks as the MAIN focus, it just gets harder. I love seeing the rare woman who is at peace with herself, and her body. How beautiful that is. It encourages me greatly and one day I hope to be that woman. We will see where my journey leads me. Thank you ladies for all of your insights. Peace and love to you all! :)
~Love, Angela R.

Christine said...

To Kathy - I'm a couple of days late and I hope you come back and read this. Your's was about the 9th post in and I did not see where anyone replied to you. Like you, I had a medical condition. I could exercise or exhert energy in any way. I couldn't clean my house, or even walk up the stairs some days. Being 5' tall the weight just naturally crept on. I have since had surgery and am working toward getting my energy back. Thank God! But, I agree with you, I don't love the fat either. But God knows how we feel. I am thankful with God we can be real. He will never give us the cold shoulder. He will never overlook us. Tell him exactly how you feel. He will help you with it.

Luanne said...

Christine--Hello, dear one. You are loved and known beyond what you could ever imagine. You are on the right journey and I pray for persistence, most importantly in your seeking Him, but also that your energy will continue to return. Read Psalm 139 everytime you need to be reminded of God's interest in you--It is His love letter to you!

Wander said...

So many have heard the same whisper of disapproval that I've heard. Darn you satan!
I'm a 43 year old mama! I'm changing more and more everyday. What once seemed easy (to be glanced at by others) now gets ignored.
I realize everyday that I'm getting to that stage in life....where I'm someone's mom!
I have teens/college age kids.
No longer am I youthful in my appearance. It's a new generation. But, my husband doesn't see me that way. To him, I'm a goddess!
Which gives me such confidence! {Thanks, honey}
And it reminds me that God loves me just how I am too!
I'm only in the next stage of my ilfe. Another will show up before I know it!
Dear friends above me....YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! Just like you are!
How do I know? Cause you are created in HIS image! That can't be bad!

Carol said...

Wander - you ARE a goddess. And you look just the way you should. God's blessings on your kids and your wonderful husband and especially on you.
My husband is also great to tell me how wonderful I look when I feel like a frumpy, slightly-too-heavy 56 year old. I need to get out of that mindset.