Monday, September 10, 2007

My Obedient Praying Friend

Well, God is at it again! I honestly don't know how people go thru life NOT being in relationship with the Living God.....they are missing soooooooo much. It is so much fun hearing God's whisper, watching Him act in our lives and joining Him as He moves. I have to tell you about something that happened in the last ten days. My friend, Heather McGinnis, prays for me. I mean REALLY prays for me. God gets her up in the middle of the night to pray for me. She has been journaling about what He has been revealing to her about me. Okay, this woman has FIVE kids, she homeschools them, she is in charge of the annual women's retreat at our church and she GETS UP in the middle of the night to PRAY FOR ME. I am humbled beyond words. Anyway, we get together every once in awhile so she can tell me what God's been revealing to her about me. Now THAT is fun! Imagine, a little peak into what God has in store....ahhh, I have chills right now just thinking about it! So, for sometime now, she has been telling me that my ministry is about to explode and that it is going to be bigger than I can handle by myself. So she started to pray for women to help me. Not just "helpers" but know, women who do what I do, and travel and speak....because she said I will not be able to be in all places at once. She's also been praying for them to be in places spread out....not near me so the ministry could be covered. Well, in ONE WEEK'S time (last week!) I heard from THREE women who want a ministry like mine, speaking on outer beauty as it relates to inner beauty. Okay, I don't know if you realize the magnitude of that, but I've been speaking with P31 for almost 2 years now and have only ever heard from two others and they were spaced out over a 6 month period (yes, during Heather's praying time!) and now I hear from 3 in one week. So, I contacted them and find out that one lives in Oregon, one in Maryland, one in Pennsylvania and the one from 6 months ago is in North Dakota and one is here in Charlotte and she's been assisting me. Chills. God. He is soooo good. So, Heather tells me to seek wise counsel and contact the leadership at Proverbs 31; Lysa, Renee and LeAnn. So I did. They have all agreed that God is on the move. AND, next year at She Speaks, our annual conference for aspiring Christian speakers and writers, we are going to offer a speaker evaluation group for women who want to be in an Image Ministry. I will head this up to evaluate, connect, etc. And, the most amazing thing is, we are also going to offer it to the Next Generation of girls who possibly might want to speak to their generation on fashion, beauty, etc. I am going to ask a Next Gen girl graduate to lead it with me (McKenzie, you up to it?!) so she can evaluate the speakers with me. Then after the conference, we are looking to do Radical Revolution Conferences in the cities these gals are from so they can internship with a full conference for the NextGeneration of women!!!! I am sooo excited. This all because of ONE PRAYING FAITHFUL WOMAN who could care less about fashion, but cares EVERYTHING about being obedient and praying for her friend. I love you, Heather. Shari


Dana Arcuri said...

Wow! I did not know about this wonderful friend praying for you! (And at all hours of the night!) This is so exciting how God is just moving in your life and in Proverbs 31 Ministry! What is so awesome is that God chose ME to be part of His plan for YOU! As a Licensed Cosmetologist and Make-Up Artist for over 20 years, I have a passion for wanting to help females look and feel better about themselves. Eight years ago, I felt a calling from our Heavenly Father to use my talent and skills in the beauty industry to touch the lives of females who are struggling with issues of low self-esteem, who may not know Jesus and who are challenged to compete with the worlds view of beauty. When I wrote to you last week, I had no idea that other women were writing to you about the same desire in their heart. I am thrilled that Gods timing is PERFECT! I am jumping for joy that God has revealed His plan to your friend and then confirmed it with us ladies from all over the USA to write to you in the same week! I look forward to training with you for an image ministry, to learning all about event planning from start to finish and to starting up an image ministry in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I will continue to pray for this new adventure in all of our lives and to continue seeking Gods direction.

Bundles of Blessings,
Dana Arcuri

Shari Braendel said...

Love you, Dana! And I haven't even met you...but we are sistah's in Christ! I have tears flowing as I read your post. Thank you for being obedient. hugs, Shari