Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday Makeover: Carol Grinslade!

Happy Monday Makeover Day to you! I'm thrilled to introduce you to

Carol Grinslade

Carol is a newlywed! After 5 years of being a widow, Carol married a man this past April who thinks she's PRETTY AND SEXY and who doesn't mind her fluffy parts! (Don't ya love that?)
They are beginning their lives together (with a golden retriever named Macie) and live in the country outside of Kokomo, Indiana. They are in the process of building a new home because they want a place where memories are not around every corner. Carol works full time and is very involved in her church and Bible study.
She loves watching her grandsons' sporting events, traveling, photography, reading and scuba diving.

Carol Grinslade: BEFORE
Carol: AFTER!

Q: Carol, describe the woman you saw in the mirror before reading the book,

A: I can't say I didn't care about the way I looked, but I just couldn't figure out how to get the look I wanted. If I looked in the mirror and liked it, wonderful! But I didn't always know how I got to a good look on a given day so I didn't try too often.

Q: Tell us a little about your physical appearance:

A: I'm 5'9" and a little fluffy. I usually wear a size 16 for pants and an XL for tops. I'm a b/o hybrid. (That's a body type ladies, not a hygiene issue!) The girls are a little bigger than I'd like but hey, that's the way God made me, right?! I would LOVE to get rid of my belly but I find all sorts of excuses to eat junk food and not exercise. It's not the size 16 that bothers me but being out of shape and not taking care of myself that isn't good...or what a Jesus girl should do.

Q: Did this book affect you spiritually? If so, how?

A: It made me realize that my appearance is part of what God made and therefore part of what He cares about. While I don't think running to the grocery store sans makeup and wearing sweat pants is the worst thing I can do it sure doesn't honor Him either (or me.) So I'm trying to do better with that.

Q: What was your favorite chapter and why?

A: It wasn't so much a specific chapter but when Shari tells where I can expect to find my particular style and size. I'm not a shopper so the fewer places I have to go, the better!

Q: What practical steps did you take to give yourself a makeover after you read this book?

A: I am a makeover in progress! This fall, I shopped with my new COOL swatches in hand! For the first time in my life I'm wearing makeup on a regular basis (a tinted moisturizer. That's the biggest difference I see in my photos. I also took Shari's advice and got eye makeup remover...sure is easier!

Q: What was the biggest challenge for you during this process?

A: Those of you who live in the north will get this part; as I'm switching my summer and winter clothes out of my wardrobe, I'm sorting thru and getting RID of what is old, the wrong color or just a plain bad choice! This isn't easy as I'm a pack rat and a tight wad by nature! I need to remember that a bargain is not always a wise purchase.

Q: What did you determine is your clothing style and do you like knowing this?

A: I am a Pure Natural and if finances would allow, I'd buy all my clothes from LLBean. My idea of dressing up is exchanging a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers for a sweater, twills and loafers. I pretty much knew my style but now I feel like it's okay to have this type of style, even if it doesn't fit what everyone else is wearing. And yes, I do wear a dress or suit on occasion!

Q: What was the most memorable or transforming part of all this?

A: I now feel like it's okay to have my own look and style and it's okay to be 57 and dress like I'm 57. I'm learning to be happy with the age, style and size that I am.

Q: Who do you see in the mirror NOW?

A: A confident and attractive lady...and God bless my husband, he's been telling me that all along!

Q: Carol, do you have any final words for us?

A: I really enjoyed reading your book, Shari. It wasn't only the advice, but the way it made me feel good about myself and the upbeat way you wrote it. Thank you for what you are doing to help your Christian sisters!

Thanks, Carol! We loved getting to know you and are grateful you shared your makeover with us. Girls, isn't she great? Show her some Thanksgiving gratitude and tell her how much you enjoyed hearing from her!

Love you all!



Ruth said...

Carol, I love that you didn't feel like you needed to change everything about yourself but rather, you just gained confidence to be who you were being anyway! I'm glad that your husband saw it all the time!:)

makeup advice said...

I am in search for a good makeup solutions providing company.This can give me good beauty tips and make up, so that I can transformed my looks in to more beautiful self. Still haven’t found satisfaction.

~Brenda said...

Congrats on your recent marriage! You look happy and fantastic in your new look!

I went though the same process of purchasing WARM swatches from Shari and cleaning out my closet. At this time I have fewer clothes to wear however, I feel good when I am wearing the correct colors for me. Thanks for sharing with us!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing, Carol! I think you look great! I'm actually in the process of writing a Monday makeover set and thought what I'm writing sounds like what you just wrote! :) May your marriage be beautiful and blessed with many happy memories! Brenda B.

Anonymous said...

Carol, thanks for sharing! I could relate to so many things you shared. Your confidence looks beautiful on you! God Bless, Monica

Mariah said...

lovely, very lovely!!! You look beautiful...enjoy your new home and hubby!!! :)

Deb said...

Hi Carol,
You look great. I like your after picture. Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Dina-Marie said...

Thank you for sharing Carol - you look terrific! Congratulations on your marriage and I pray for you and your husband a wonderful life together.

Daphne said...

Thanks for sharing, Carol :-) It's wonderful to see you looking so happy and fabulous! Congrats and blessings on your marriage :-)