Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What to Wear Wednesday: LIGHT

Happy Wednesday!

Loved, loved, loved being with all of you on the webinar on Sunday night..and guess what? It got recorded!!!!! But, because I'm a little new at this, I don't know how to tell you to re-visit it yet, but I will soon.

Okay, today we are continuing our series on COLOR and today I'm featuring


To be in the LIGHT category, think the following words:

  • FAIR
  • PALE
Okay, after saying this, I guess you know that to be LIGHT your coloring is NOT dark...LOL.

Take a look at some pics:

Now take a look at some more:

If you are a LIGHT, then the colors you wear will be on the light to medium side.

You can wear silver or gold accessories.

Your handbag, if coordinating with your hair color (if you are only going to carry one purse and not change out, the rule is to coordinate with your hair color to have the most put-together look..this goes for all DCC's).

Take a look at some bags for blondes:

Now let's take a look at some makeup shades for a LIGHT:

And finally, some pics of clothes for a LIGHT:

Light is beautiful, yes?

By the way, tomorrow I'm going to be interviewed on a radio show for
Christian Work at Home Moms... if you want to listen in, go HERE 

The show is at 10am Central time....or 11am Eastern.

Would love to have you praying for me to say the right words!

Love you girls!!!! Off to speak at a Moms retreat in Michigan this weekend! How's the weather up there? Anybody know?

Love you!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a light (somewhere between clear and deep), but I love that middle dress in the last picture!! Are you able to tell us where the pictures are taken from?
Thanks so much for recording Sunday's session, and I'm looking forward to seeing more DCCs. I actually have your book (and have shared it with my mom and sister who have revamped their closets after reading through with me), but the more times I see the same thing explained in new ways, the better :)
God bless you. The best of everything for your interview tomorrow.

Vegan Kimmie said...

Praying for you! You will do great! Can't wait to listen in! :)

Carol said...

Love seeing the examples - like the one above, the more I see the easier it becomes. I would like to see eye shadows for the other DCC. I tried a mauve (I'm a cool) and it deosn't look too good. matter of fact doesn't look good at all. I'm thinking my idea of mauve isn't quite right.
Thanks Shari and safe travels!

Emily B ( said...

Would love to hear the webinar, since I wasn't able to join in!

Karen N said...

I agree with Carol and was wondering if you could give makeup shades for the DCC's that you have already done (COOL and WARM)? I am a WARM and am not sure if my eye shadows are the right color.

Elizabeth said...

YEAH for Lights!!!!!! I'm one. :) (as you can tell) Love the pictures. All you beautiful blondes out there, you're GORGEOUS! Hope you all are doing great!

NikkiMc said...

Hi Shari! Enjoying the color tips! Also, a question: My husband and I are attending a benefit event to which we are to wear "cocktail attire". My usual is "sippy cup attire"! I am not sure that my "little black dress" from 10 years ago, although it still fits, is appropriate for this mid-30's mom! Can you give some "cocktail attire" examples? Thanks!.

Katie said...

Hi Shari,

I have a slew of questions today:

1. I think I am a light, although my hair is a little darker blonde than the pics you showed and every time I do the color e-nalysis I come up different (everything from soft to light to clear). question is about black - can I wear it?

2. Also in that color vein - I am looking for new glasses and was hoping to get your thoughts on that. As a not-so-bright blonde (kind of goldish maybe?), fair, and blue-eyed (think Scandinavian), what would be the best color frames for me to go with for a neutral or every-day wear? My old ones were black, and while I loved the shape, I think the color was a bit harsh for me.

3. Say you have an article of clothing (couderoy pants, for example), that you know just isn't quite right (both color and fit). Is it okay to hang onto them until you find a replacement pair because the really kind of round out the wardrobe (and may be the only casual non-jean pant that one owns)?

Thanks Shari!

NicoleM said...

I have the same question as Katie- my hair is not light blonde like the pictures you showed. I'm more of a golden blonde/darker blonde, but I think I look best in light colors- and they seem to be the colors I get complimented on the most. But would I be more of a soft?

Stephanie's Mommy Brain said...

I'm loving the series on colors!! Very helpful to see examples of each color and what goes with it!!

Anonymous said...

Do CLEAR soon! Love the pictures, as I am a visual learner! Thanks for all you do!!

Jeanne Doyon said...

Hi Shari,

I attended Speak Up back in 2006 and discovered I am a "cool" girl. I have since highlighted my hair so it has more blonde in it. Will that change my color palette? When I tried the online analysis I came out "soft" but not sure if I am choosing my correct skin tone.

Can't wait to look at the archives and check out all the "cool" stuff

Jeanne In CT